Chapter 1

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Tony's POV

Morning's are always brighter and beautiful when I suddenly wake up in my lab.
Well suddenly because Banner wakes me up whenever he sees I am sleeping uncomfortably.
It has been 3 weeks already since the heartbreaking incident happened.
I always try to focus on my work, my 'Cool' life but underneath all the sassy behavior I still have things which I can't get rid off.

It has been 3 weeks since I saw Thanos winning the battle, 3 weeks since I saw people getting dusted away, 3 weeks since I felt terribly helpless and 3 weeks since I don't know anything about Steve.

Banner keeps telling me everytime he is here in my lab that Rogers will be back and he too knows we need him, I need him but I, Tony Stark! Never understand how Banner trusts Steve so much on this.

It has been 3 weeks and I have no clue about Steve. He doesn't have any clue about me or let me just rephrase it 'He doesn't care to have a clue about us or me.'

'Jarvis, Did you get any information about Steve?' I asked.

'No Sir. No tracks available yet.' he replied.

These days if Banner is not here, I mostly have conversations with Jarvis. I want my team to be back here, I want Steve to be back here. I will never admit it to him but I genuinely miss him and I probably know he doesn't even think about me.

I probably had the best days when we all, The Avengers had conversations.
I got know to about the small details about them.
There are always some small details which I can never forget.

These conversations which I have these days with myself quite frequently reminds me of the time when we 'The Avengers' fought together.
I remember Banner becoming Hulk, Nat being fearless, Clint with his amazing aim, Thor being God of Thunder and ofcourse Steve being Captain America and handling the situation and taking prompt decisions and doing what he does best 'Assemble Us'.

I remember how I would have died that day but when I opened my eyes the first thing which I saw was his blue eyes. Deep as the ocean. You could sit all day long and look into those blue eyes and see different emotions flow through them. His eyes always said something, something much more than things which were beyond my understanding. I always wanted to find something in them and I am still not yet sure what. Those blue oceanic eyes looked worried but as I looked into them I saw a lovely smile and I saw those eyes relax a bit and before I could say anything he said 'We won'. I wanted to lay there irrespective of what was going on around us and just look into his eyes for it had more emotions in them than I would ever have in my life.

I was too mesmerised by my own thoughts when I just didn't realise that I have been smiling to myself and someone standing at my lab door was confused looking at me.

'What is it Pepper?' I asked a bit irritated.

'I think I have some information about The Avengers.' She replied.

Just by this one sentence, she got my undivided attention.

'All of them?' I asked.

'Mostly' She replied.

I didn't know whether to be happy or be more tensed. But before I could react I heard a big 'Bang' noise outside my lab. We both knew something was wrong.

I just hoped 'Please let not things be more worse.'

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