Chapter 21

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A/n- check the question at the end of the chapter!


'I need to leave.' Steve said.

'Where and for how long?' Tony asked surprised.

'Somewhere and maybe Forever!' that's all Steve said!

Present time:
Tony's lab:

'What the hell do you mean somewhere and what the heck do you mean by forever?' Tony asked.

'Tony I really need to go and you have to know that I love you so much!' Steve replied sadly.

'Steve, you know that I love you too and I can wait for you for eternity right? Just tell me where you are going. I know you will always come back to me.' Tony replied smiling.

'Tony...Buck returned from the date and he got some information and he rushed to tell me that!' Steve said.

'Information about what?' Tony asked.

'Information about Agent Carter!' Steve replied smiling.

'Agent... Peggy?' Tony asked surprised.

'Yes!' Steve replied smiling.

'So you want to leave me because you suddenly found Peggy?' Tony asked shocked.

'No Tony! I didn't mean that! Why would I leave you for her?' Steve asked surprised.

'You just said that you are going to look for her with the help of the information and you might not return ever!' Tony said.

'That's not what I meant Tony!' Steve said.

'That's exactly what you meant Steve! I was never your priority! First it was Bucky and now suddenly everything is about Peggy! Am I just a joke to you Steve? Am I your rebound, your replacement, your always second choice? Am I all these things to you?' Tony asked sadly.

'No Tony! You are getting it wrong, you mean a lo...' Steve couldn't complete as Tony started.

'Save it Steve! I know you want to find Peggy and I am not even against it because obviously she meant a lot to you but you could have just said that you would come back to me after you found her but no! You didn't say that! You said you will be gone forever!' Tony spoke angrily.

'Tony, I still don't know if I can find her that's why I said forever but you are not listening to me.' Steve said.

' I don't want to listen to you Steve because are you even hearing yourself! You just make me look like a fool who is clearly in love with you hopelessly that can do anything for you.' Tony said sadly.

'No Tony! I love you too and you know it!' Steve argued.

'You do? You really do huh? If you actually love me too then how come you are so keen to leave everything you have with me and leave and not only leave but not return back to the person you say 'I love you' to just because you couldn't find your first crush! I am sorry Steve but I think I am understanding everything properly. You know what? Just go! Yes! Just leave and find Peggy but you know what? Before you leave, leave me and my love behind! Break everything you have with me and then leave! I cannot just sit here with hope in my heart that you would return because you clearly might break my hope and never return.' Tony snapped with crystal clear tears in his eyes.

'I am sorry Tony but I will come back as soon as..' Steve tried to argue.

'NO! Don't come back! Never come back! Even if you successfully find Peggy, don't come back to me because who knows maybe you will leave me again! So, Yes! Just go and never come back! Find Peggy and maybe settle down with her but don't come to me.' Tony said while tears rolled down his cheeks.

'Tony, please don't say that, please just listen to me..' Steve tried again.


Everyone in the house were now gathered in the lab listening to the couple quarrel! Everyone was too shocked to do anything. They didn't even know why they were fighting.

'You don't mean that Tony and you know it.' Steve said as he started crying as well.

'Just Go Mr.Rogers! You really need someone and it is clearly not me.' Tony said softly.

'Tony.. don't do this please, I love you!' Steve said crying badly.

'Leave Mr.Rogers! We are done with each other.' Tony said this while wiping his tears with his own hand.

Everyone was shocked and could sense Tony was broken but they still couldn't do anything.

'I love you Tony and I always will!' Steve said crying as he left the lab and probably the tower as well.

Tony just fell on his knees and cried helplessly because he knew that Steve left! He knew that Steve didn't even think before leaving! He thought that maybe Steve would run back to him and kiss him and make things alright but he knew that, that Steve Rogers left and he knew that he may not come back anymore! He may not kiss away his pain anymore! He may not love him anymore! He wasn't complete anymore! He was empty now! Afterall, Tony Stark would never be complete without Steve Rogers.

Ahhh!!! I am so sorry but I had to!!😔

Just one question before I leave!

Who do you think is at fault here?
Tony or Steve? Please let me know in the comment section!❤️

Also, don't be a silent reader!! Your views and comments mean a lot to me!!❤️

Alright bye for now!! Till then....


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