Chapter 30

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One Month Later!!!

Tony's POV:

A lot can happen in a month and I can't even say that how true that phrase is.

Firstly, let me tell you that Bucky and Nat are already engaged. I guess he got this weird inspiration from Steve and got down on one knee for Nat.

As for Banner! He is dating Thor, I mean can you believe it? This was like the most shocking news for all of us and by the way let me tell you that Thor proposed him just a week back so they are the newly dating couple who face a lot of teasing from all of us.

Now talking about Peter, let me clear something that he has been up to something recently and he won't tell any one of us. One of the strangest part is that even Nat doesn't know anything about this. But Nat took a wild guess and informed us that maybe he is secretly dating someone. I don't understand why he won't tell us or at least tell me. But he will be caught soon.  

As for the others, they are back at their own place and probably busy doing their work but I guess I will be meeting all of them today.

Also, Loki keeps showing up at weird part of the day and passes an extremely weird and dark comment and then again disappears.

As for Steve, he is right now in the tower getting ready because if you haven't guessed it let me tell you that its our wedding today.

He did not leave and nor would he even plan to because he would have got killed after the last stunt he pulled.

As for me, its 10 am in the morning and I am freaking out because I am getting married today and I have to be in the church by 1 pm. I mean not the church but you will see.

By the way, let me explain this that Banner is my Best Man and I don't know what Nat wants because she said that she doesn't care about anything, she is going to be my bridesmaid. Also, before you blame me or anything, Peter did not want to be my best man because he feels he is too young for it so he became the ring bearer.

Now, do I even need to say this because who doesn't know who is Steve's Best Man! Obviously its Meta....I mean Bucky.

Nat has been bugging me from 8 in the morning and now I am more done than nervous. Oh! How I want my Steve baby with me right now. He would have definitely hugged me tight and said that there is nothing to be nervous about.

You know when you get married to the person you love, you are tend to be more nervous because you want everything to be perfect though you know that just marrying the love of your life is the perfection you need in your life.

I guess I was too engrossed in my thoughts that I did not realize that its already time I get ready. If I am even a second late, Nat will murder me before I even get married. 

Steve's POV:

"Its time Jerk! Come on get out there and get your man." said Bucky.

"I am super nervous Buck! What if I end up doing something stupid or what if I stutter on the vows! Tony will kill me right there." I said.

"Hey Steve!! Forget everything else and just imagine how handsome and beautiful Tony will look today and how can you be nervous when for one month you have been literally waiting for this day. Another thing is that if you waste another minute, you are going to be late and I swear Tony will kill you as well as me." said Bucky.

"Gosh! I can't wait to see him, come one lets go Buck." I said.

He smiled and we both headed towards the venue.

He smiled and we both headed towards the venue

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