Chapter 2

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'What do you think just happened outside?' asked Pepper.

'Let's go and check.' Replied Tony.

Tony's POV

When we both went out to see what was happening all I could properly see was Banner hugging a girl because Banner was facing me and the girl was facing the other side.
While I was trying to figure out who the girl was I received a bone crushing hug from Clint.
That is when I realised that they are back, My teammates, my friends and The Avengers are back.

I scanned the room and I could clearly see Clint, Wanda, T'challa, Thor and ofcourse the girl, whom Banner was hugging was Natasha. I could understand Banner's happiness because meeting the person you love after weeks is something different.

The word 'Love' suddenly reminded me that Steve was nowhere to be seen. I still don't understand that why does this word remind me of him each and everytime. This word holds numerous emotions and obviously Steve Rogers is worthy of all the emotions but me? For me it holds nothing more than just a mere word.

'Tony, Miss me?' asked Natasha.

I was so busy with my own thoughts that I completely forgot that I am not alone anymore, I have everyone around me and my odd behavior was quite visible.

'Hey Tony! You alright?' asked Natasha again.

'Huh? Umm Yeah I am fine just too happy to finally have you guys back here, where you guys belong.' I replied.

'If you're looking for Steve, Tony then I should inform you that we have no clue where he is right now.' replied Nat.

'I wasn't really looking for him. I mean why would I look for someone who doesn't care enough about his team?' I said in an annoying tone.

'I say thee mortals, you shouldn't even look for him because he is busy looking for his dearest friend Barnes.' said Thor innocently.

I watched as the whole room fell silent. So, basically everyone thought that they would keep this from me? They really thought that they could hide something from Tony Freaking Stark? And Rogers! Ofcourse. How can I just forget that everything to him or in his world is about the great Bucky Barnes. I was wrong when I really thought that maybe, maybe he thought about us, about the team, about me. All he ever thought and cared was about..

I couldn't complete my thoughts when I heard the elevator open and there stood the person who owns my favourite deep blue eyes. I saw him after weeks and I couldn't get enough of his eyes or face or his expressions.

He looked all over the room with a little smile, rather a sad smile. His smile was just not reaching those blue eyes. I really don't know how I understand this but I really can differentiate between his real, happy smile and the smile he gives when he is faking it. Before I could say anything I saw the person walking behind him. He found him, he really did find where Barnes was and brought him here. For the first few seconds all I could do was get lost in those blue eyes Steve owned and be extremely happy because I was finally seeing the person I wanted to be around after weeks but in my life happiness really doesn't last long.

Steve's POV

As the elevator opened in my favourite Stark Tower all I did was first looked around the room to look for something in specific or let me rephrase it, someone in specific.
But as the door opened, I saw my team, I saw Banner, Nat, Clint, for a second I was surprised to see T'challa and Thor but then I understood that after whatever happened they wanted to be here, with everyone, with the team.

I was still looking for him. And finally I did. He was facing Nat and was facing his back towards me. As he heard the elevator sound he turned, probably the sound interrupted something he was saying or maybe thinking but that didn't matter because that's exactly when my eyes caught his eyes. The contact, the pain and affection in his eyes was quite visible. He has the most beautiful brown eyes anyone would ever see. Dark as coffee and shiny as the moon. At first I could see his eyes expressing happiness, mostly because he thought I wouldn't come back. I could see his happiness replaced by a sudden spark maybe because he missed me, I really hope he did, because whatever happens I was still a friend and suddenly I saw his eyes expressing emotions, which were a worth of different meanings. Sometimes it was trying to say something and sometimes it was just asking questions. But lastly, I saw those eyes expressing pain. That pain you feel when you think that you're about to lose someone. I couldn't really understand that last look.

Banner came up and gave me a hug and even said that he missed me. Though I hugged him, I still couldn't move my eyes from Tony.
I wanted him to know that I missed him, I missed him so much.

'We missed you Cap! I always kept saying that you would come back and that you needed us too.' Banner said.

'I had to come back Bruce. No matter what I do or where I go I have to be back here in..' I got interrupted by Tony.

'Why are you here? Why did you come back? You got the person whom you wanted, I guess you are done with your work.' Tony said sternly.

'Tony!' I exclaimed.

That's all I could think of when he said those words. As those words left his mouth, it slowly pierced my heart. Bucky is not everyone or everything I wanted. He is important to me but even my team is important to me too. I came because of my team and I came back to the people I belong with but those words literally killed me.

'I think you should not be here Rogers, Not now.' Tony stated.

'I feel I am needed here and I belong here with you guys.' I replied.

'Where were you when I needed you? Where were you when I was helpless and the only person I could think of was you? Where was this *I belong here* shit when we were in trouble, putting everything at stake and losing everything? Where the hell were you then?' Tony yelled.

'We lost everything Rogers, well I should just say I lost everything because nothing really matters to you as you don't care enough.' Tony said broken this time.

'Tony, please just listen to me. I was always there, I too tried my best to do something.' I tried saying.

'Just don't Rogers! Just don't! Please Steve.' Tony said while leaving the room.

And now I just knew, I had hurt Tony extremely badly because he never calls me Rogers except when he is pissed. He was pissed and he left.

He probably was going towards his lab.

'Give him some time Steve. He will be okay.' Banner said.

'Is he again locking himself up in his lab these days?' I asked worried.

'Frequently.' Banner said.

I have to go meet him and talk to him. I have to bring him out. I cannot see him broken and I cannot watch him locking himself up. I don't know why he thinks I wasn't there. I was always there if not right infront of him but I was always there. I can never betray someone who holds the power to make me go through different emotions in my heart at the same time.

I wanted him to know that I am always there for him. I am always Steve for him. And Steve was there and will always be there for Tony. I can clearly understand that he is very hurt and in great pain. I want him to know that while I was coming back all I could think of was him.
I wanted him to know, I wanted him to understand. I wanted to look into his eyes and make sure he was fine. I had to bring The Tony Stark back.

I headed towards the lab when suddenly I was stopped by someone.

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