Chapter 26

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Tony's POV:

Life is short but this time it was bigger!

'I have an announcement to make!' I said grabbing everyone's attention.

'What is it?' Nat asked.

'Its about me and Steve!' I said sighing calmly.

I knew the entire decision was stupid and idiotic but I know I won't regret it, not anymore!!

I could visibly see Steve tensed and he gulped! Well let's go back to the first time I talked about his eyes!! You remember? His eyes, his blue eyes. Deep as the ocean. The one you could sit all day long and look into. Those blue eyes again had different emotions flow through them. But this time, I could understand them as clear as the blue sky you see when the rain suddenly stops and decides to give you a view of a beautiful rainbow! I won't say that I wasn't enjoying this but also, I can't watch the love of my life so stressed because of me! I maybe the same old strict and sassy Tony Stark but now I have become 'babe' for Steve Rogers and hello? I am soft okay? But only for Steve Rogers!!

'Umm Tony, you can stare at Steve all day long but what is the whole announcement? We are waiting!' Peter spoke up breaking the intense staring competition between me and Steve!

'Well, I thought a lot about our relationship and I made a decision!' I said clearing my throat.

I swear you can be very dramatic! My mind retorted!

'And I decided that I will give this relationship another chance but I can't promise you that I will be as affectionate as I was in the beginning.' I said exhaling a deep breathe.

'Umm Tony, I don't want to shock you or something but I feel Steve isn't breathing because of the stress!' Nat said looking at Steve.

Oh Shit! I literally ran towards Steve and hugged him! Oh Thank God, he is breathing! He slowly wrapped his arms around me and I could literally feel my t-shirt being drenched with his tears.

You won't believe me when I say this but Steve started crying like a baby right there and I saw everyone 'awwing' but I was so worried about my baby! I told you I was soft!

'Hey Steviee, babyyy, look at me! C'mon, look at me! I actually wasn't planning on forgiving you this soon but I can't watch you crying like this!' I said wiping his tears which were still overflowing.

'I thought...I thou..ght..that!' Steve replied still crying and trying his best to speak between hiccups.

'I actually will if you do something stupid like this to hurt me again! But hey! I didn't right? Stop crying! You are such a baby sometimes!' I said.

'I swear to God my uwu button just broke looking at this scene.' Peter said literally cooing at us.

'Peter for your Star wars sake! Now is not the time!' I said looking at him.

He mouthed a sorry in return.

'But I am actually gonna be hell honest with you Flying Machine, we all have seen him crying two times before and it was never this bad! You do mean a heck lot to him.' Bucky said smiling proudly.

'I for the first time really loved what you said except the flying machine, you stupid metal arm!' I replied faking annoyance.

Well Steve was still hugging me as if his life depended on it and who was I to ever say No to that!

'I won't leave you again, I promise you this and if I ever do that, you can have the privilege of killing me.' Steve was mumbling in my ears.

'Oh Shush! Laboratory experiment!' I mumbled back.

'I love you so much Tony, I do!' Steve said.

'I know you do, now c' gotta prepare something for us to eat orelse we are going to starve but don't worry I'll help you!' I said smiling.

He smiled back a bit unsure and I knew the reason extremely well.

Steve's POV:

'I love you so much Tony, I do!' I said.

'I know you do, now c' gotta prepare something for us to eat orelse we are going to starve but don't worry I'll help you!' he replied smiling.

I smiled a bit unsure in reply but believe me there was a whole storm going inside me!!

He told me that he would give this relationship another chance, he would give us a second chance but when I said that I loved him, he really did not say it back and I was really worried that maybe the person who holds my favourite and precious dark brown orbs was really not sure about us! I know when he decides something, he sticks to it come what may but whatever I did to him, I deserve to be someone he wouldn't be sure of.

I was already in the kitchen with him, who was assisting me like those 'Welcome to today's Chef show' we watch on the television.

I could see him trying his best to assist me though he never entered the kitchen except those times when he needs coffee!
He really wasn't worried about anything nor did he have any idea what turmoil I was going through.

Oh! This one word 'love' can really do wonders as well as complications in your life! You know? It isn't like the ones which we used to do long back! Like simply going ahead and asking someone for a dance and things automatically work out. Oh No! This was far from that! You really need to work for your love, you need to understand your love, you need to be with your love, you need to go through every kind of shit ( don't dare say language!) with your love and lastly, you need to love your love like no one even can imagine.

If 'love' is something precious and difficult then let me tell you that 'time' is something that complements love! Also, time never waits for anyone! It didn't even wait for me when I woke up after years!! And I know, time won't wait for me now as well if I don't do something.

Time is never correct for love and love is also never correct for time! If you take time to understand love, love really doesn't bother and if you love when time isn't ready, your whole life becomes a loveless and timeless equation!

Therefore, you have to snatch time and love together at the same point and seal it together so that time itself feels worthy enough for love and love feels limitless for time!

If Time complements love, I complement Tony and I can't just stand here with a coffee mug in my hand and wonder what will happen if time and love both betrays me and slips away from me. I have to do something for Tony, I have to do something for me, I have to do something for my love and I have to do something for US!

This is really not happening!! I have to do something real major to make him believe that this time not only time or love but everything is in my favour and I will grab it proving him that I ain't going anywhere anymore and I certainly won't let him go anywhere from me.

If sealing time and love together is what is needed then Tony, you have no idea what I can do for you!

Look who is back super soon!!!!🙈🙈🙈

I won't say anything else because I have no self control whatsoever so I might just spill something so I'll just...yeah leave..!!😌😌

Also..the whole love and time complementing thing came from my head so if you don't agree, you can go ahead and criticize me!!🙈🙈

I will really leave now....😌
Till I come back...
Keep loving....

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