Chapter 12

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Tony's POV

So finally Strange was here and I was finally so relieved and even happy that I couldn't even express my emotions right now but after a while I noticed that everyone was there but Steve was suddenly missing.

"Where did Cap disappear? I asked.

"He said that he is going for his run as he missed it this morning." Nat replied.

"He really isn't holding up is he? asked Strange.

"It is just normal you know as Tony and Steve always fight like those old married couples." said Clint.

I got this weird and unusual blush on my face and I could really understand that my ears were literally getting hot and red listening to Clint's comment.

"Yeah you know Tony has got this tiny cru..." Banner was about to say it.

"Think twice before you complete that sentence Doc." I replied.

"Ah! Welcome back Doctor Strange." Banner shaked Strange's hand.

"Thank you Doctor Banner." Strange replied.

While they were having these small talks I decided to sneak out and look for Steve because I very well knew that he did not go for his run. He can lie to the entire world and though Tony Stark is the busiest Avenger, I always make sure to keep a track about all my teammates.

(Which only includes Steve Rogers) Shut up! It is not true and I clearly have no idea why I am talking to my mind.

I literally ran towards the main entrance because he probably will try to leave the tower right now.

Steve's POV

That sight of Tony hugging Strange would give me sleepless nights now for quite some days. He was right in front of me but hugging someone else. I was the one who wanted to be the one who would make him smile but now I just realized that I was the reason behind him not smiling at all. But I was anyway angry with him and I was the one who was upset because he had hurt me as he hates me so I should not even probably get jealous because he does not even like me back like that. It was difficult for me to get over the fact that I can never be able to be with him or to even think that I didn't deserve him. 

I was too engrossed in my thought to notice the person standing in front of my.

"Need Company?" Bucky smiled.

"How can I ever say No to you Buck!" I replied.

"So how are things up there? I think everyone is too busy isn't it? Bucky asked.

"Yeah as you know he is our last hope to bring back Peter." I replied.

"Then why don't you look so happy?" Buck asked.

"No Buck! I am happy that he is here because then finally I can get my Peter back but I don't know, just that his friendship with Tony is oddly irritating to me, I mean no I don't hate him or something but it is just that Tony never looks so happy when he talks to me." I replied.

Bucky's POV:

"That's just your jealousy speaking for you Steve and you were not here for more than a year and maybe probably that is when they became friends." I replied.

"I don't know Buck, everything feels different to me when Tony is close to Strange. I sometimes feel that I am losing myself but I have to keep myself strong for Peter. That little boy means a lot to me and I can compromise on anything for him though I know that Peter is much more close to Tony." Steve replied.

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