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"No, Jeongin, like this."

"Stop, stop. You're missing the step."

"Other foot, Jeongin."

Jeongin was frustrated, to say the least. Chan and the dance line were continuously pausing the music to point out his mistakes. He felt as though he was beginning to be a burden to the rest of the group. He kept misstepping, leading to him stumbling and occasionally falling to the hard ground.

The other eight finally decided to head back to their dorm, Jeongin not moving from his spot on the floor.

"You coming, Jeongin?" Chan asked as he stood in the doorway.

"In a minute, Hyung."

Chan nodded and left the practice room. Jeongin stood up and played the music once again, practicing the parts he kept messing up on.

Before Jeongin knew it, he had been in the practice room for another four hours, and it was 3 in the morning, the sun having set hours ago.

One more time through.

Jeongin got into his position for the dance, beginning to move his body to the upbeat music. Halfway through the song, Jeongin heard a sickening crunch as he fell over sideways, his ankle and calf bending in a way that should be impossible. He let out a blood curdling scream as he held his leg as close as he could without causing more pain.

The door was thrown open, his senior, Jinyoung standing in the doorway. Jinyoung's eyes widened as his eyes met Jeongin's.

"Oh my god Jeongin what happened?!" He exclaimed, rushing up to Jeongin, who sat sobbing on the floor.

Jinyoung pulled his phone out hurriedly from his back pocket, opening his contacts and pulling up Chan's contact.

"I'm calling Chan."

"No no, please! Don't call him! J-just call the hospital." Jeongin pleaded.

Jinyoung sighed as he gave in to the younger, dialing emergency services.

"911, what's your emergency?"

"Hi, I'm at JYP Entertainment, my junior has taken a pretty bad fall, and his lower leg and ankle is bent in an unnatural angle."

"We'll send an ambulance, it will be there shortly."

Jinyoung hung up, looking at Jeongin, a stern look taking over his once calm features.

"I want you to tell me exactly why you're in the practice room this early in the morning, and how that happened."

"I was practicing the choreography for our comeback, and I guess I just fell over." Jeongin mumbled.

Jinyoung sighed once again, then noticed the ambulance parked outside the building. The medics came running in, before setting Jeongin on a stretcher and escorting him out.

Jinyoung ran up the stairs as fast as he could, stopping in front of the Stray Kids dorm. He quickly rapped his fingers on the door, rocking back and forth on his feet as he waited for someone to open the door.

Minho opened the door.

"Jinyoung Hyung? What are you doing here so early?"

"Where's Chan? I need Chan."

"Asleep, finally. Can this wait until later?"

"No, no it can't. It's about Jeongin."

"You know where he is?"

"Yeah, on his way to the hospital. Now where's Chan?"

Minho gasped loudly, before running of in the direction of Chan's bedroom.

"Chan! Innie's in the hospital! Wake up!"

Chan immediately sprung up, stumbling as he through on a random pair of shoes and a jacket. He didn't care that he had on a random pair of holiday pajama pants, or that his shirt was made of very thin material.

"What happened to him? Is he okay? What hospital is he in? Do you know what room?"

Chan bombarded Jinyoung with questions, his eyes pleading.

"I'll take you. You coming, Minho?"

"No, I'll stay and hold down the fort."

Jinyoung nodded, motioning for Chan to follow him. Chan quickly obliged, stumbling after his senior.

"W-what happened to Innie? Is he going to be okay? I-I shouldn't have left him alone, I-I should've taken him home o-or at least stayed there with h-"

"Chan there's nothing you could've done to prevent it. He just took a bad fall, he'll live, I promise."

Chan hastily nodded as he followed Jinyoung to his car, jumping in the passengers seat. The entire car ride was silent, the only sound being Chan's foot hitting the bottom of the car as he shook his leg.

When they pulled up to the hospital, Chan leaped out before Jinyoung had even stopped the car, and ran up to the large double doors.

"I'm looking for Yang Jeongin, where is he?"

"He's currently in the ER. We will notify you when he is taken to his room, sir."

Chan nodded and walked to the waiting room, hyperventilating all the way.

I should've been there. I shouldn't have left him alone. This is all my fault.

Chan buried his face in his palms as he rocked back and forth on the floor of the waiting room, eventually joined by Jinyoung, who sat beside him on the floor.

After waiting for around 30 minutes, a nurse called them over and guided them to Jeongin's room. The moment she opened the door, Chan ran in, his hair a mess and his face splotched with tears.

"Innie! I'm so sorry! I-I shouldn't have left you alone! I-I should've-"

"Channie Hyung. I'm fine, I promise. My leg just hurts a lot, but I'll be fine in a month or so!" Jeongin grinned at Chan, holding out his arms, which Chan quickly ran into, embracing the boy as tight as possible.

"Innie, please, don't ever do that again. You're good enough, you just need a bit more practice. You're the youngest of us, you don't have to be the best. I-We, love you just the way you are."

"I love you too, Channie!" Jeongin innocently smiled, not knowing the damage he was doing to Chan's frail heart. Chan just smiled softly at him, ruffling his hair.

"Well, where's the remote, we're going to be here a while."


finally updated again lol

to any of you reading this that also happen to read my story braces, I may have to put it on a semi hiatus. For some strange reason I just cannot for the life of me seem to be able to write the next chapter, though I've been trying for weeks. I will most likely still be updating this story, however, and I have several stories in the draft stage. I'm sorry if this happens to disappoint anyone TT

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