before i go

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Before I go, I want you to know I love you. Before I drown in the blood seeping from my veins, I want you to know I care. You meant so much to me, and in other circumstances we would have lasted a lifetime. If I wasn't so broken, so far gone, we could've gotten married. Adopted kids, even, if that would've made you happy. But alas, nothing good lasts forever, and our love was perfect. I'm sorry I let the insults and beatings get to my head. I'm sorry I took them to heart. I'm sorry I never listened to you when you insisted that the things that monster said weren't true. I'm sorry I'm leaving you all alone in this scary, dangerous world. But please, don't grieve for too long. You deserve the world, the universe and every star in our galaxy. I want for you to move on, to find someone better than me, someone who isn't as broken and won't leave you. Before I go, I want you to know you were beautiful. You were kind. You were perfect. I loved you more than I've ever loved anything before, or anything I ever will. So please, do me proud and move on. Find someone who will love you endlessly, and who you can reciprocate those feelings to. That, is my final wish. And now that I've let you know everything, I have to go. I hope in the next life we can be happy.

- The One Who Loved You Endlessly,

                                                              Bang Chan.

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