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Four months. That's how long it'd been since Chan had been able to hold Jeongin in his arms. He couldn't blame his father for growing ill, but he wasn't enthused when he had to fly across the world to hold up the family business. Chan had asked several times if he could bring his boyfriend of four years with him, but his mother said he'd be too much of a distraction, and that he needed to be left behind.

Chan's mother said he wouldn't be there more than a few weeks. A few weeks turned into a month, then two, three, four. His father still wasn't fully recovered, but Chan feared he would implode if he went any longer without seeing Jeongin.

So he bought a plane ticket and left. Wrote his mother a note and left it on the kitchen table.

His flight was about to land, then all he had to do was buy Jeongin some flowers as an apology and show up at the doorstep of their home. Chan couldn't wait, as shown by the constant bouncing of his left leg, much to the annoyance of the middle aged man sat beside him.

When the plane landed, Chan squeezed past everyone in front of him, muttering apologies as he pushed his way to the front of the plane. He ran out the doors of the airport and quickly hailed a cab, shoving his luggage in the backseat and climbing in the passengers side.

Chan gave the driver the address of the flower shop near his home, and payed extra as he hopped out. He dragged his luggage into the shop with him, picking a beautiful bouquet of roses and gardenias, again leaving a large tip.

With a gigantic grin on his face, he grabbed the handle of his suitcase, the bouquet in his other hand, and ran the blocks leading up to his house, stopping in front of the light blue door.

Jeongin's choice.

Chan knocked loudly on the door, rocking in place, the grin still present on his face.

When the door opened, Chan was met with a tired looking Jeongin, his hair sticking out in random places and his eyes half closed. However, when the younger saw Chan in front of him, his eyes widened and he screamed, a large smile forming.

"You're back!"

Jeongin threw his arms around Chan, making him drop his suitcase and the flowers on the welcome rug. They embraced, making up for the lost time. After five minutes of hugging, their neighbor Changbin opened his window and yelled for them to take their love somewhere else.

He was just salty because his boyfriend was still studying in Australia.

Jeongin giggled and grabbed the bouquet of flowers before pulling Chan into their house, where they fell backwards over the couch and lay beside each other, half on the floor.

They laughed together and Jeongin curled into Chan's side, trying to be as close as possible to the older.

"I love you, Hyung."

"I love you too, Innie."

At that moment, Chan swore never to leave without Jeongin, no matter what others said. He finally felt whole again.

Then he remembered he left his laptop in Australia.

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