side effects

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"I hate you! Fuck off!"

Chan was on different medication. His old prescription did nothing to help his severe insomnia, so the doctors prescribed him a different pill. However, while it did help, and Chan was getting four to five hours of sleep a night, the side effects that came along with it were awful.

Chan would scream endlessly at Jeongin, telling him how much he hates him and regrets ever dating him. Other times he'd be so depressed that he wouldn't leave the confines of their bedroom. Sometimes he'd be so anxious that he would shake and cry, looking around in fear.

He had lost a significant amount of weight, his clothes not fitting as well as before, his face looking sunken in and some bones protruding from his joints.

Jeongin had grown to fear his boyfriend.

He missed the old Chan, who would always smile and joke with Jeongin no matter how tired he was. They would cuddle endlessly, watching reruns of their favorite shows as they would snack on chips and candy.

Jeongin had been lost in thought, and didn't notice the clear tears running down his cheeks and falling onto the table.

"Innie?" Chan mumbled in confusion as he walked up to his boyfriend. He didn't know why Jeongin was crying, but he wanted to stop it.

Jeongin flinched away from Chan's hand when it reached to cup his cheek.

Chan was heartbroken.

He hadn't realized the side effects from his medication had made the only person he truly loved fear him.

Chan fell to his knees and burst into loud sobs as he buried his face in his hands. Repeated apologies flowed from his mouth in between sobs.

Jeongin felt terrible as he watched Chan break beneath him. He hadn't meant to flinch away, he was just scared. Scared Chan would hit him as he had done before. He wished his boyfriend could sleep without the medication, and without the side effects.

"Channie I'm so sorry, I-I didn't mean to! Please don't cry!" Jeongin caressed his lovers face, wiping the tears pouring from Chan's eyes.

When the tears didn't stop, Jeongin pulled Chan into a bone-crushing hug, whispering apologies in his ears as he rubbed his back.

"Innie, I'm s-so sorry! I don't like the new meds, I don't like what they're doing to our relationship! I wanted to take them so I'd h-have more energy to take you on dates b-but they just made everything worse!"

"I don't mind if we can't go on dates, Channie. I just want you to be happy. If you want me to call the doctors and tell them you want off the meds. Maybe they can find different ones that work and don't make you so grumpy." Jeongin reassured.

Chan nodded weakly in Jeongin's neck, pulling the young boy closer to his chest and kissing the crown of his head.

"I'd like that."

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