Chapter 1

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Otis Air Force Base Hospital

Wednesday 4th November 1964


Jack slammed the door shut and turned to face the wall. He put his arms up against it and buried his head into his arms and cried. Jerry glanced at Clint who was as equally confused. Suddenly there were footsteps. “Oh my God Jack! I’m so sorry.” Lem exclaimed as he wrapped his best friend in his arms. Jack was still sobbing.

“Lem…..It’s not fair.”

“I know mate but things will get better.” Lem whispered as he rubbed his back. “How’s Jackie?”

“Devastated…..She’s just fallen asleep.” Jack cried.

Jerry and Clint looked on confused. Lem saw there look of confusion. “Do you not know?” Lem asked quietly.

Clint shook his head.

“Mrs Kennedy’s had a miscarriage.”

Clint gasped.

“Lem.” Jack sobbed. It took him a moment to gain some composure. When he did he stood back and rubbed his face. “I’m just going to the bathroom.”

Jerry went to follow him but Lem stopped him. “I’ll go.”

After the President and Lem had left Jerry turned to Clint. “How could this have happened again?”

“I don’t know, I didn’t even know Mrs Kennedy was pregnant.” Clint whispered.

Jerry nodded. “This is going to be hard on them.”


“What was the outcome?” Jerry asked.

Clint looked puzzled. “The outcome of what?”

“The election?”

“Oh yeah….I forgot just with this it slipped my mind.”

“I know what you mean.”

When Jack returned he looked awful. His hair was a mess and his suit was creased. They hadn’t seen him like this since Patrick died.

“Mr President, I offer you my sincere condolences.” Jerry said.

Jack nodded. “Thank you.” He then went into Jackie’s room followed by Lem.

Jackie was asleep. She was very pale and had dried tears on her cheeks. “Lem, how could I let this happen again?” Jack asked sitting down.

 “Jack, it’s not your fault it’s just one of those things.”

Jack nodded. He hadn’t slept in ages. His mind was muddled. “Lem, don’t let Pierre release it yet, no one even knew we were expecting.”

“Don’t worry about anything, I’ll sort everything.”

“Thank you.”

After a few minutes Lem stood up. “I’m going to leave you get some sleep, I’ll bring you some fresh clothes tomorrow.”

Jack nodded. After Lem had left Jack lay down on the sofa and kicked his shoes off. He pulled a blanket over himself and fell asleep.


“Jack?” Jackie cried. Jack jumped awake; everything from the previous day came flooding back to him. He suddenly saw Jackie crying. He rushed over to her and held her. “It’s okay kid.” Jack whispered.

“Why Jack why?”

“I….I don’t know….” Jack replied.

He was holding her closely when Dr Walsh came in. “Oh Mr President I’m sorry, I can come back.”

Jack shook his head. “Come in.”

Jackie pulled back and dried her eyes. “Morning Dr Walsh.”

“Morning Mrs Kennedy, how are you feeling this morning?”


Dr Walsh nodded. “We’ll need to keep you in for a few days.”

“Ok.” Jackie said weakly.

“Ok I’ll come and check on you later.” Dr Walsh said before leaving.

Jackie turned to look at her husband. She could see the pain in his eyes. “I love you bunny, I couldn’t bear if anything happened to you.”

“I know, I love you too.”

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