Chapter 15

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The Garden

Jack shook Khrushchev’s hand. “How about before we tell our advisors you go see Mrs Kennedy?”

Jack nodded. “Thank you.” He quickly headed up to the residence. When he went in he had tears glistening in his eyes. Jackie was lying on the sofa. She sat up when he came in. “Jack what’s wrong?”

He got down beside her and wrapped her in his arms. “I’m so sorry.”

“What? What for?” Jackie asked confused.

“I’ve been really selfish; I never made sure you were okay when we were dealing with the miscarriage. I’m sorry.” Jack said before kissing her cheek.

“We’re okay Jack.” She smiled.

He nodded. “I have to go we’re about to announce the Berlin Agreement to our advisors, why don’t you come?”

“Sure.” Jackie smiled getting up.

When they walked in Jack had his arm round Jackie. Khrushchev smiled and Jack joined him. “You can go first Mr Chairman.” Jack smiled.

“The President and I have come to a decision that we’re going to have a treaty called the Berlin Agreement, which in effect will mark the beginning of the demolition of the Berlin Wall. Both the President and I have agreed to meet next month at Camp David to discuss the terms of the treaty. Germany will once again be an independent country.”

All the advisors looked stunned. Then everyone started congratulating each other. Jackie went up to her husband and wrapped her arms round his neck. He gazed into her brown eyes. “I knew you could do it Bunny.”

He smiled and kissed her.


The Residence

After the meeting had finished at five Jack returned to the residence. He felt he had accomplished something. Pierre had just announced the plan to the press. When Jack walked into the bedroom he found Jackie trying to decide which dress to wear to the state dinner.

“I think you should wear the red one, you look sexy in it.” Jack smiled as he lay down on the bed.

She laughed. “Ok I’ll wear it then.”


The Ballroom


After the dinner the First Couple were sitting talking with the Khrushchev’s. “Mrs Kennedy you look lovely in that dress.” Nina complimented her.

“Thank you.”

Jack was sitting yawning as he smoked a cigar. “How are we meant to put up with political leaders as husbands?” Nina asked. “They come home tired and grumpy.”

Jackie laughed. “I agree there.”

After eleven most people had left. Jack and Jackie called it a night. “Jack are you tired?” Jackie asked as they walked upstairs.


“You just look it, that’s all.”

Jack nodded and went to bed straight away. Jackie wasn’t far behind him.

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