Chapter 11

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Sunday 31st January 1965

Henri-Chapelle American Cemetery and Memorial


The press were frantic about the latest story of the President and First Lady’s private life dilemma. They’d decided to try and show as much affection as possible today. They were standing with the King of Belgium Baudouin looking around the war graves.

As Jack and Jackie walked the press followed at a respectable distance. Jackie bent down and placed a flower on the tomb of the Unknown Soldier. She had tears in her eyes. Jack watched her. When she stood up she buried her head in Jack’s chest. He gingerly rubbed her back. “It’s okay kid.”

She dried her eyes and looked up. She slipped her hand into his. He squeezed it. “I love you Jackie.”

“I love you too.”

As they headed back to Marine One Jack broke away from his wife to go speak to Kenny. Jackie sighed and climbed on to the helicopter. She hoped things got better soon.

She sat down and looked at the schedule Jack was sitting opposite looking at the papers. “Have you seen these?” Jack asked.

Jackie shook her head.

“These headlines, The President’s sexless marriage, The woes of the First Lady, The First Lady’s marriage problems.”

“Jack….I’m sorry.”

“It’s fine.”

Jackie nodded. “Come here.”

Jack obliged and sat down beside her. She gently kissed his neck and held him close. He pulled back. “Jackie….I’m sorry I really can’t.”

Jackie rubbed his back. “It’s okay bunny, I understand I promise.”

Jack nodded and put his arm round her. She rested her head against his shoulder till they landed at the Prime Minister’s Official residence.

When they emerged into the strong sunlight, the flash from the press’s cameras were strong. “How are things Mr President?” A reporter asked almost sniggering.

“Fine.” Jack smiled as he took his wife’s arm.

As they entered the big white building, Prime Minister Lefevre appeared. “Mr President, Mrs Kennedy it’s a pleasure to have you here in Belgium.”

Jack shook his hand. “I’m glad to be here Mr Prime Minister.”

“Mr Kennedy why don’t you come this way.”

As Jack and the Belgian Prime Minister went off for lunch Jackie went back to the American embassy.

The Residence, the American Embassy


Jackie was lying relaxed on the sofa watching TV when Jack came in. He looked exhausted. “What did they do to you?” Jackie asked sitting up. He sighed and sat down beside her. “That man could talk forever. The chairs were so hard and we basically agreed on everything but now I have a very sore back.” Jack said as he sat back.

Jackie was about to rub it when he groaned. “Why don’t you go for a hot bath? That’ll help it.”


Jackie helped him up and to the bathroom before going to change for the State Dinner. After an hour when Jack returned, he stared in amazement at his wife. She had a long emerald green dress on with long white gloves. Her hair was styled perfectly with a little green shamrock pin keeping her fringe back. “You….you look stunning.”

She blushed. “Thank you but wait to you see what I have for Paris.”

He smiled before starting to dress.


The King’s Residence

Jack and Jackie stood hand in hand waiting to go into the ballroom. Jackie had butterflies in her stomach; she hadn’t felt like this since they’d been to Paris in 1961. When Hail to the Chief began to play they went in.

After a traditional dinner, people started dancing. Jackie leaned in towards him. She placed her hand on his back. He winched slightly. “Do you fancy a dance?” Jackie asked.

Jack looked at her, her eyes were sparkling. He didn’t want to let her down. “Ok kid, sure.” He stood up and took her hand. They danced slowly so Jack didn’t hurt his back. “I really do love you in that dress. The colour really brings out your eyes.”

She blushed. “Thank you.”

After five minutes he called it a night. “I need to sit down.” Jack mumbled. She smiled and guided him back to their seats.


When they got back to the American Embassy Jack was about sleeping. “Bunny come on I’ll help you into bed.” She took his suit and shirt off before unbuckling his brace. He crawled into bed in his boxers and t-shirt. By the time Jackie had taken her dress off he was asleep.

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