Chapter 16

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Wednesday 3rd February 1965

Air Force One (On route to Paris)

The Private Cabin

Jack lay on the bed talking on the phone with Bobby, while Jackie translated parts of his speech into French. “How are things in DC?” Jack asked as he ate some chocolate.

“Fine, boring without the White House chaos really.” Bobby replied.

“Good. How are the kids?”

“Mental, missing you and Jackie though.”

Jack laughed.

“So how are you and Jackie? Have you given her what she wants yet?” Bobby sniggered.

“Shut up!” Jack exclaimed. “That’s between me and her.”

“Yeah well the whole world knows.”

“Fine, goodbye Bobby.”


Once Jack hung up he moaned and sat up. “This speech is really good Bunny.” Jackie smiled.


They were sitting quietly reading and just spending time with each other when there was a knock at the door. “Yeah?” Jack asked.

“It’s Pierre Sir, can I come in?”


Pierre came in and sat down opposite Jack. “What is it Pierre?” Jack asked.

“De Gaulle wants Jackie to wear French clothes in France.”

“I am.” Jackie pointed out.

“I know but he’s annoying.”

Jack laughed. “Keep working on him.”

“Will do.”

After Pierre had left Jackie kissed her husband. “Maybe tonight we can have some fun.” Jack teased.

“I like that idea.” Jackie giggled.


Charles De Gaulle Airport

When the Kennedy’s arrived in France Jackie was wearing a blue Chanel suit with matching hat. As they descended the steps of Air Force One, Jack glanced at his wife. She looked so beautiful and at ease with the French people. He was deep in thought when Kenny nudged his arm. “You need to go greet De Gaulle.”

Jack glared at him. “I’m going.”

After the welcoming speeches the two couples got into the back of an enclosed limousine. The De Gaulle’s were discussing something when Jackie turned to her husband. She gently placed her hand on his knee. “Are you okay?”

“Yeah, I just want to get to London now and rest.”

She smiled. “Me too.”

The American Embassy

Private Residence

“Why?” Jack asked angrily.

“I don’t know Sir.” Kenny protested.

Jack rolled his eyes and guided Jackie into the living room. He was annoyed because of the lay out. His room was attached to Kenny and Dave’s and Mrs Lincoln was next door to Jackie’s.

“Why are you so angry?” Jackie asked massaging his shoulder.

“Because Kenny will hear us later.”

Jackie laughed. “We’ll be fine, now go talk to President De Gaulle.”

He nodded and got up.

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