Chapter 2

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Jack had just changed into the clothes Lem had dropped off. Jackie was in the shower leaving the two men alone. “Do you want to know Jack?”

Jack looked confused. “Know what?”

“The result of the election….”

Jack closed his eyes. “I can’t believe I forgot.” Jack mumbled.

“I think everyone would understand Jack, Jackie needed you.”

He nodded. “Did we win? Am I still President?”

Lem smiled. “Yeah, you won by 60% of the vote. You won Massachusetts and Texas.”

“Texas really?”

“Yeah, Bobby was shocked.”

Jack sighed and sat back in his seat. “You can go home and see Bobby I’ll come home later.”


Once Jack was alone he stared into space. He was completely zoned out when Jackie returned. “Bunny?”

It wasn’t till she placed her hand on his back he turned to look at her. “We won.” Jack sighed. Jackie smiled slightly. “I knew you could do it.”

Jack shrugged. “I can’t believe I let this happen.”

“Jack what do you mean?”

“I shouldn’t have made you do so much during the campaign.” Jack whispered.

“Jack it could have happened anytime. It’s not your fault.”

Jack nodded and kissed her cheek.

“Bunny you should go home and shower and rest.”

“But if I go out there, the press will want me to comment and…..I just can’t do it.”

“Sneak out the back.”

“Ok…..Will you be okay?” Jack asked.

“Of course, you’ll be coming back to see me later.”


Jack and Jackie’s House, Squaw Island

When Jack got out of the car Bobby met him. He hugged his brother in front of the press. “Come on we can talk inside.” Bobby whispered.

Jack nodded.


“WHERE IS MRS KENNEDY?” The press yelled.

Jack turned to Bobby with tears rolling down his cheeks. Bobby quickly guided him inside. Jack lay down on the sofa and hugged the cushion. “Jack it’ll be okay. I’m going to tell the press what’s happened so they’ll leave you alone.”

“It’s my fault.” Jack sobbed.

Bobby sat down beside him. “How’s it your fault?”

“I made her work too hard.”

“Stop talking shit. Jackie needs you.”

“I know.” Jack sniffed.

“I’ll let you rest.” Bobby said.


Once Jack was alone he made his way to his room and collapsed into bed. He cried himself to sleep.

When he woke it was just past three. After showering he headed back to the hospital to see Jackie. He just wished the press weren’t following him. He knew he needed to make a statement on winning the election but Jackie needed him first and foremost.

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