Chapter 14

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The American Embassy

Grand Sitting Room


Jack sat at the end of the sofa opposite Khrushchev. He’d barley talked since they’d returned from lunch. It was mainly his advisors arguing with Khrushchev or his advisors arguing with the Soviet ambassadors.

He was sitting somewhat awkward on the sofa. He was slouching trying to dispel the pain in his back but it wasn’t working. Someone had just mentioned the amount of young people being killed by the wall which made Jack think about losing Patrick and the miscarriage. He could feel tears building in his eyes. He quickly wiped at them trying to hide his weakness. He wasn’t aware what was going on till Khrushchev abruptly stood up, turning everyone in the room silent.

“Mr President, I think I know enough English that we could go a walk outside alone without our translators, what do you think?”

Jack nodded. “Of course Mr Chairman.”

Jack got up slowly and followed the older man out to the garden as his advisors stared on in shock.

The two men walked in silence down the garden till they were quite a distance away. “It’s a beautiful day isn’t it Mr President?”

Jack was lost in his own thoughts, his head shot up quickly. “Eh…yes it is I guess.”

Khrushchev turned so he was facing the American President. “Mr President, are you okay?”

Jack paused. He didn’t know what to say. He could feel tears building in his eyes.

“Mr President I’m not going to say anything there’s obviously something wrong, you look awful.”

Jack turned away and rubbed his eyes, he didn’t want to cry in front of the enemy. “I’m fine.” Jack whispered.

“Is it because you’re hearing about all these little kids being killed and you’ve just lost a child?” Khrushchev asked gently.

“Ye…yes.” Jack mumbled. “And just everything….the press….work.” Jack didn’t know why he was confessing this all to the Soviet Leader.

“Mr President I know it’s never easy to lose a child, I have and it’s the worst feeling ever. It’s okay to be upset about it. Everyone understands.”

Jack nodded. “But the press are so intrusive…..they just don’t understand.”

“I know that Mr President, but can I say just because of what happened doesn’t mean it’s going to happen again. Don’t just abandon Mrs Kennedy she’ll be just as upset as you. You need each other.”


Jack composed himself and turned to face Khrushchev. “I came here with a clear mind to come to some sort of agreement, but after learning about all the deaths that stupid wall causes I want to get rid of it but no progress is being made as all our advisors do is seem to argue.” Jack said.

Khrushchev smiled. “I have a confession to make.”

“What?” Jack asked confused.

“I regret giving my consent for the wall to be built. I agree too many people are being killed just for simply trying to be with their families.

Jack glared at him. “If we don’t do something about it, that wall could be there for another fifty odd years.”

“I know and that’s why I think we should come to an agreement.”

“An agreement?”

“Yes an agreement to bring the wall down. We could meet later this year to discuss facts for it but what do you think Mr President?”

“I think it’s a good idea, Germany would be reunited.”

Khrushchev nodded. “The Berlin Agreement?”

“The Berlin Agreement.”

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