Chapter 9

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Buckingham Palace


Jackie was standing in the room by herself. She was surrounded by world leaders but the Queen had insisted there would be no protocol; they were just here to remember Winston Churchill.

Jackie was standing swirling her orange juice when the Queen appeared beside her. "Are you alright Mrs Kennedy?"

Jackie smiled. "I'm fine your majesty."

"Where's the President?"

"He's dealing with something, he'll be here shortly. He admired Mr Churchill very much."

"Did you or the President ever meet him?"

"I met him once but Jack met him quite a few times, especially when his father was ambassador."

"Oh yes." The Queen smiled. "Did you interview him during the coronation?"

"Oh no I didn't, I met him in Greece one year. I only covered your coronation." Jackie replied.

"A matter of fact someone showed me the article you wrote the other day."

Jackie giggled.

"It was rather good."

"Thank you."

After the Queen had walked away Jackie turned to see Jack coming towards her. She fixed his hair. "Are you okay?"

He nodded but she could tell he'd been crying. "Mr President!" The voice called. Jack turned to find President Eisenhower heading towards him. "Mr Eisenhower." Jack smiled.

Jackie turned and found the Queen watching her. "I meant to say I was very sorry to hear about your miscarriage."

Jackie nodded. "Thank you."

The Queen smiled and went to join the two presidents. Jackie took a deep breath and went to the bathrooms. She looked herself in the mirror and washed her face. Maybe it wasn't just Jack who wasn't coping today. After a few moments she went back out into the hall. It was deserted. She looked in a few rooms before she heard a voice. "Mrs Kennedy are you lost?"

Jackie turned round. She smiled. "Yes your royal highness."

"Oh come on I think we know each other well enough to be Jacqueline and Philip." The Duke of Edinburgh smiled.


As he escorted her back to the room he asked about Caroline and John. The minute she stepped into the room Jack appeared at her side. "You okay?"

Jackie giggled. "Yes I just got lost."

Jack took her hand.


Jack and Jackie were amongst the last to leave. They were heading back to the embassy for a rest before flying to Belgium later tonight.

"It was great to see you and we'll see you soon." The Queen said shaking Jack's hand.

"And you." Jack smiled.

Once they were on their way back to the embassy Jack loosened his tie. Jackie didn't push him to talk; she knew he was deep in thought.

The Residence, the American Embassy

Once they were alone Jackie flopped down on to the sofa kicking off her shoes. "I'm going to lie down kid."

"Ok Bunny."

Jackie got up and carried her shoes through to the bedroom. Jack was lying sobbing. She gently lay down beside him and wrapped her arm round him. She kissed his cheek. "It's okay."

He nodded.

Once he'd composed himself he turned to face Jackie. She kissed him but he pulled back. "I just want to go to sleep."


After Jack was asleep, she got up and closed the door. She sighed and picked up the phone and dialled Lee's number. "Hello Radziwill Residence?"

"Hi, Lee?" Jackie asked.

"Oh hey sis, what's wrong?" Lee asked sensing something in Jackie's voice.

"Oh nothing it's just Jack..."

"What about him?"

"Ever since we had the miscarriage Jack's not touched me in a physical way....It's like he's scared it's going to happen again....I don't know what to do Lee."

"Just give him time Jackie; you know what he's like. He won't be able to last that long."

Jackie giggled.

"Just don't push him, he'll come around."

"I hope so, I miss him."

"I have to go now Christina's crying." Lee said.

"Ok bye."

After Jackie hung up she joined Jack on the bed and fell asleep.

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