Chapter 12

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Belgium Airport

Monday 1st February 1965


Jackie climbed the steps of Air Force One first and smiled at the crowds. Once she was inside the plane she went to the private cabin and sat down on the sofa. Jack soon joined her. “Bunny have a rest please.”

“I can’t….I have to go discuss strategy for Khrushchev.”

“Oh okay.”

Once Jackie was alone she hugged her knees. It suddenly came all flooding back to her. She began to cry uncontrollably as she thought of the pain and heartbreak of the miscarriage. She was sobbing when the door opened. Jack stopped and quickly closed the door to his office. He wrapped her in his arms. “Kid what’s wrong?”

“Why do we keep losing children?” Jackie cried.

Jack rubbed her back. “I….I don’t know.”

She cried into his shirt. “I love you so much Jack….please don’t leave me.”

“What?” Jack asked confused.

“I don’t want you to leave me.”

“Jackie I’m never going to leave you. I love you and we’ve been through so much.” Jack whispered.

She nodded and kissed his cheek. “I…I want another child.”

Jack looked shocked. “W…what?” Jack sputtered.

“Not soon but…”

“I know.” Jack said. He held his wife till she composed herself.

“You okay now kid?” Jack asked.

“Yes Bunny, I’m sorry.”

“It’s okay.”


West Berlin Airport

When Air Force One touched down there was a large crowd present. Jack and Jackie emerged hand in hand smiling. Only they knew that they were faking it. As they walked down the steps Kenny noticed the President leaning heavily on the First Lady.

Once they were in the car on route to the American Embassy Jack sat back and closed his eyes. “This pain.” Jack muttered. Jackie smiled sympathetically at him. When their car pulled up at the embassy Chancellor Ludwig Erhard was standing smiling. Jack got out first and shook his hand. Jackie followed and spoke to him in German.

As they walked inside the Chancellor turned to Jack. “I’m really glad you’re here Mr President. Your wife speaks good German. She’s a real asset to you.”

Jack smiled. “That she is.”

“You have a few minutes before your first meeting.”

Jack nodded and followed Jackie up to the residence. “What do you think about seeing the wall?” Jack asked.

“It’ll be….different.”

Jack nodded.



The First Couple got out of the car to a loud cheer. Jackie smiled graciously before her and Jack went to inspect the wall with the Chancellor.

As they walked, there was a lot of graffiti on the wall but it was interesting. “Mr Chancellor what is that?” Jackie asked pointing to a large red patch on the wall. The chancellor looked uncomfortable. “It’s blood ma’am, a mother and her new born were trying to cross from the east to be reunited with their family, they were just about over when an eastern soldier shot them both dead.”

Jackie gasped, as did Jack who was forced to swallow a lump in his throat. When they got back to the car they decided to go and talk to some people. Jackie chatted away in German while Jack had a translator.

“Mr President I loved your speech in 1963.” A lady smiled.

“Thank you, what do you think of the wall?” Jack asked.

“I hate it, my brother was trapped in the east and tried to escape but he was killed by those communists.”

“I’m so sorry.”

The lady nodded. “What age was your brother?” Jack asked.


Jack nodded. Once he was reunited with Jackie he felt emotionally drained after hearing all the stories about how individual people had been affected by the wall especially with the number of young deaths. The meeting with Khrushchev had to go well.

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