Chapter 18

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Thursday 4th February

NATO Headquarters

“Well Mr President it was great to see you once again and I’m very pleased about the Berlin Agreement.” De Gaulle smiled.

“I’m glad to have been back in France.” Jack smiled. “It certainly was interesting seeing the NATO headquarters.”


Jackie appeared. De Gaulle liked her better so Jack let her talk away. After another few minutes they headed for Air Force One.

Once Jack locked the door to the private cabin he yanked his tie off and lay down on the bed. “Jack?”


“What’s wrong with you?” Jackie asked as she took her heels off.

“I have a migraine.” Jack moaned.

“Do you want Dr Travell?” Jackie asked.


She returned shortly with his doctor. While he was examined Jackie fixed her hair. “I think sir it’s just from flying and jet lag. If you just take it easy in London you’ll be fine.”

Jack nodded. “Thank you.”

Once they were alone Jack fell asleep. He felt awful.

Saturday 6th February

Lee Radziwill’s House


After Landing on Thursday Jack had the day off and slept most of it. Yesterday he visited with the Prime Minister and had a state Dinner at the palace. Finally, he had some time off.

Jack was lying in bed beside Jackie. It was just past eight, he still had a really sore head. Jackie was snoring. He got up slowly and pulled his dressing gown on. He crept quietly downstairs to the living room. He lay on the sofa and switched the TV on.

He’d fell asleep when Lee came downstairs. She smiled and pulled a blanket over him. She was in the kitchen when Jackie came in. “Morning sis.” Jackie smiled.

“Morning. Have you seen your husband?”

“Yes I saw him.”

Lee laughed. “Is he like that a lot?”

“Ever since he became President? Yes.”

Lee handed her, her coffee. “I’m glad you and Jack are staying. I hardly see you anymore.”

Jackie giggled. “I know what you mean.”

Sunday 7th February

Air Force One


Jack and Jackie were lying chatting on the bed; they were heading back to the US. “Thank you so much for coming with me. I know it wasn’t easy but you made the trip more enjoyable.” Jack smiled.

Jackie blushed. “I didn’t want to leave you. I’m glad I came, you achieved so much and I’m glad I was a part of it.”

Jack smiled.

“I was thinking bunny…. It’s going to be pretty hectic when we get back. Maybe we should make the most of our time…” Jackie said playing with her duvet.

Jack laughed. “I really like that idea.”

Jackie gently kissed him tracing his jaw line. She was so glad the distance between them had cleared since the miscarriage. Life was finally looking up.

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