Chapter 10

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Air Force One


Jack was lying on the bed thinking when Jackie got down beside him. His body tensed. “Bunny.” Jackie whispered rubbing his chest.

“What?” Jack asked nervously.

“Relax Bunny.”

He nodded and let Jackie rest her head on his chest. “You don’t have to be scared.”

“I’m not.”


He shook his head. It was clear he was uncomfortable. Jackie got up and lay down on the other bed.

“Kid I’m sorry I’m just scared you become pregnant and have another miscarriage.”

Jackie reached for his hand. “Bunny we can take steps before that happens.”

Jack smiled but he still felt awkward.



When they arrived it was raining. When they emerged from Air Force One Jackie took Jack’s hand and they descended the steps. After the welcoming ceremony they headed for the American Embassy where they’d be staying.

When they arrived Jackie was exhausted she decided to go take a hot bath. Jack was lying on the sofa watching TV when Kenny came in. “Do you have a minute Jack?”

“Sure, have a seat.”

“Eh Sir, a few hours ago Jackie placed a private phone call to Lee from the embassy but the phone was bugged.”

“What do you mean private phone call?” Jack asked sitting up.

“She asked her for advice because you haven’t touched each other physically for a few months.” Kenny said awkwardly.

Jack sighed. “I want you to find out who did this.”

“We already know but we can’t stop it from being published.”

“Damn it!”

Jackie suddenly came in, in her dressing gown. “Oh Kenny….Is everything alright?” Jackie asked as she sat down next to her husband.

“Well Jackie, the phone you used to call Lee earlier was bugged and well the press are printing the story.”

Jackie gasped. “I’m so sorry Jack.”

“It’s alright kid.”

“I’ll leave you now you both look exhausted.” Kenny said.

Jack nodded. Jackie turned timidly towards him.


Jack shook his head and went and changed in the bedroom. Jackie appeared. “Jack I only needed advice….it’s like theirs a distance between us and I didn’t know what to do.”

“I told you I was scared.” Jack replied.

“I know bunny but I want to help you.”

He sighed. “I’m sorry.”

Jackie gently rubbed his back. “Let’s get some sleep.”

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