Chapter 10

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"You f#cked up big time." Was the only thing that lefts Yanan's mouth after hearing the sob story of the depressed Hongseok. Last night he was asked a ton of questions from the rest about where Jinho is, all he could do is shrug. And he got himself drunk to the point he past out and have to be dragged to his car by Yanan, Changgu drived them home.

Hongseok just dropped his head on the table, making a loud thud. He didn't made breakfast as he usually does. Changgu tried to make some but he just ended up making tasteless scrambled eggs. Earlier this morning, as soon as he woke up, he can't help but just cry.

The memories of last night hitting him like a truck, straight to his fragile heart. He made the love of his life cry, he didn't mean what he said, it's just that he let his anger won. He was frustrated, not at Jinho, but to himself. Because he can't find the right words to say, or how to even explain what happened. Well, he actually had the power to explain but even if he did, Jinho will still hate him. He doesn't want to be hated by the person he cared about the most.

He should've just shoved the girl away when she kissed him and tell her to f#ck off. It would've made things simpler. And to think that last night was supposed to be the night where Jinho would finally be his boyfriend for real, it just added weight to his shoulders knowing how close to happiness he was. Yanan patted his shoulder, he looked up at him, tears ready to fall.

"...I don't know what to do..." Then a single tear rolled down his face, it's true, he was lost and didn't know what to do to earn Jinho's love back.

"Maybe you can tell him what you truly feel? Tell him every single drop of emotions you have for him, like a confession." Changgu from the other side of the table suggested. "And like, he loves you for sure and he thinks that you don't love him back. Just like you love him but think that he hates you. I mean, it's really simple."

"I have to agree with Changgu here. It's just a misunderstanding. Like, me and Changgu fight all the time but our love for each other will never disappear. It's cliché but it's true." Changgu just laughed at Yanan, he is a very romantic person for someone who haven't dated anyone since birth, until Changgu came into his life of course. 

Because of this, hope was now slowly filling his heart. Maybe Jinho does still love him,

"You're right. Maybe... Maybe I should talk to him on Monday." A glim of hope was now in his eyes and tears now gone, he was very thankful for Changgu and Yanan. He thanked them.

        •~•~•~•<Time Skip>•~•~•~•

Monday have come and there he was, Jinho, laying on his bed curled up in a blanket. As much as how hard Hui tries to beg him to get out of bed, he doesn't want to. Last Friday night he cried himself to sleep and he didn't come out of his room the whole weekend, he didn't even feel like eating because his appetite, that was supposedly always one hundred, had went to zero. But Hui did shoved a cookie down his throat that one time.

Hui was so worried that he had to call Kino. Hui and Kino showered Jinho with millions of Whys and Whats. But all Jinho can say was a mumbled name, that name being Honggie. They both tried contacting Hongseok but he doesn't answer. Kino was so pissed to the point that he forced Jinho to talk by threatening him that he will beat the crap out of Hongseok at school.

After Jinho told everything, both were silent. They felt horrible for their child Jinho. Jinho was now sobbing at this point when the memories have crashed back to him. Hui moved closer to Jinho and hugged him, and then spoke.

"Hey, just forget about everything. Let's go to the kitchen, I made you your favorite. You haven't been eating well and... you can stay here at home if you want to, we'll just say your sick, ok?" Jinho just nodded silently, still hiccuping. Passing by Kino who was just standing there in the middle of the room. He was pissed, he trusted Hongseok that he's gonna make his hyung happy. Hyung deserves better.

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