Chapter 11

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Jinho woke up next to something, no, next to someone. Jinho shifted a little to be comfortable but he felt the others hand wrapped around him.

"Good morning cupcake..." Kino whispered sweetly into his ear. Last night, they kissed. Jinho kissed his best friend. Jinho feels very awkward now, so he gently removed the arms that were wrapped around him and sat up to turn around and see Kino.

"Kino... about last night. I-" Jinho paused. Kino was looking at him expectingly, head tilting a little. Jinho was hesitating, Kino was his best friend. And seeing the two of them being in a relationship was a bit, uncomfortable for him. Jinho stayed silent for too long, Kino's chuckle bringing him out of his thoughts. Kino sat up lazily, both hand reaching Jinho's face to cup both of his cheek.

"What about last night?" Kino asked, voice as loving as ever. But Jinho was still not feeling great about dating his best friend.

"I don't feel so good... about us." Jinho finally had the courage to look straight into Kino's deep brown orbs. Kino releasing an 'oh', then making Jinho continue.

"I... only see you as my best friend, and- y'know this um, relationship thingy between the two of us. I-um, don't really think it's gonna work out." Kino's look have saddened by what Jinho said. He tried to cheer Kino up a little by saying something nice.

"I love you, I really do. But, as my best friend." Kino sighed. Then a question popped up his mind.

"Do you still love Hongseok?" Eyes wide, Jinho started lookimg around the room as if thinking of what to say while biting on his bottom lip.

"Well... I-how is he anyway?" That was dumb, that was really dumb. Jinho knows he shouldn't be asking questions about a person that hurt him but there he was, how desperate can he be? Kino sighed for the second time.

"I tried talking to him, but he didn't want to talk about you. That's why if he won't make you happy, I will. Hyung, your happiness is my happiness. I just want to make you happy. Seeing you like this breaks my heart, so... maybe give me a chance?" Kino was now holding both of Jinho's hands, thumb rubbing his knuckles in the most soothing way.

Jinho was all up to giving people chances, but this is Kino. He cares about him and loves him like a brother. But this is for happiness, and maybe they'll end up being happy in the end? Jinho was hesitating but gave up, he nodded and Kino brightened up. Moving his hand up to caress Jinho's cheek, he leaned closer and whispered,

"I'll take care of you." Was what Kino whispered to Jinho before he kissed his hyung. But Jinho was tense, he was still uncomfortable about the situation. They've kissed plenty of time before, but this one is different, it's serious. Well, Kino is serious, but Jinho was still having thoughts. Then the door opened, seriously theres this thing called knocking. It was Hui, and he saw the kiss.

"Good morning guys... Kino come here." Kino pecked Jinho's cheek one last time before he stands up and went to the door. Now being alone, Jinho laid back down. This for some reason feels wrong. Outside with Kino and Hui tho,

"First of all, no." Hui said sternly to Kino.

"No wha-"

"You can't date Jinho." Hui was being very serious right now, he knows that this is just gonna make everything more complicated if the two dated. Kino furrowed his eyebrows.

"Tch- Why?"

"I heard your guys conversation, and Jinho doesn't seem to like the idea of dating you. And Yesterday someone talked to me about the situation Hongseok and Jinho are having, all was just a misunderstanding. Since it seems that your gonna be selfish then I won't tell you who that someone is who needs to talk to Jinho. I'm afraid that you'll try to stop getting Jinho and Hongseok back together." Yes, Yesterday there was a girl that approached him claiming to be the one who kissed Hongseok. She told Hui about how it was all a dare and didn't mean any harm to their relationship, she even asked him if she can talk to both boys to explain and to apologize. Hui can get Jinho but the girl needs to find Hongseok herself. That being said, knowing Kino being a possessive bastard, he has to get Jinho away from him. But that will be hard because of how clingy Kino can be.

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