»Special Chapter«

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Kino is going on a blind date that Hyojong have set up for him. Kino wasn't nervous, he was excited. He likes meeting new people so this wouldn't be so hard right? And the moment he was now in front of his date all excitement was gone. He knew it, he shouldn't have trusted Hyojong. His date was Shinwon, his childhood "friend". See the fancy quotation marks being used?

"Ugh, this was a mistake." Kino slumped down on his seat. Shinwon from the other side of the small round table just rolled his eyes, he was looking anywhere that was not Kino.

"Tch- you're the one to talk. Honestly, I was expecting someone cuter." Kino gasped, clearly offended. His mouth soon releasing a sarcastic laugh.

"Well f#ck you too."

"Hey! Watch your profanities."

They were just glaring at each other now when someone approached them.

"I'm sorry but aren't you guys gonna have a proper conversation?" Hyojong said all bluntly.

"Watdafaq are you doing here!" Kino said at Hyojong. Both him and Shinwon shushes him.

"First of all I work here. Second, can I take your order." Hyojong went from rude and sassy to polite, even wearing a cute smile and all. They didn't really expected Hyojong to work at a really fancy restaurant, especially a five star one. There was only one menu to look at and both him and Shinwon were taking glances from the other and to the menu. Shinwon coughed, clearing his throat.

"You can look first." Shinwon said rather shyly, looking down and even biting his lips. Kino smirked at the sight, so even douchebags like him gets shy and flustered huh? Cute. He gleefully took the menu and looked through the choices, he ended up choosing a dish with a weird name that was basically fish, shrimps, and clams and a slice of chocolate mousse cake for dessert. Then making it two slices since Shinwon wanted some too. Shinwon ordered the first thing that he saw that was meat, which was chicken fillet and some sexy looking smashed potatoes with a veggie side dish thingy.

"You guys aren't gonna order any drinks?" Hyojong asked, raising a brow.

"Tasteless liquid would do." Shinwon joked. Hyojong just tilded his head to the side, accompanied with a small smile.

"Sorry but we don't have that."

"Just cold water! Jeez." Kino lost his patience, he just wants to get this over with. Hyojong glared at Kino, clearly not enjoying his attitude.

"Ok, I'll be back with your orders. And by the way, can you guys stop being rude to each other and just talk like what normal people would do on a date? Like, I am doing this for the both of you so you guys aren't single, you guys should be thankful." The two just rolled their eyes at Hyojong, then he left while sticking his tongue out like a kid would do. And now, silence.





Shinwon sighed deeply, he took out his phone. The first thing that Kino noticed was the phone case. He sat up from his chair, eyes wide looking at the phone case.

"You still use the phone case I gave you?" Shinwon looked up from his phone to Kino, he blushed slightly that Kino noticed he kept the case.

"Um... yeah I still use it." Kino now sat comfortably on his seat.

"Heh, I thought you'd throw it away."

"Why do you think I'd throw it away?"

"Because you hate me." Shinwon went quiet for a moment. 'he thinks I hate him?', he doesn't hate Kino, sure he might act cold and rude towards him but to tell the truth, he likes Kino. He likes his duality, from being all cutesy and kind to being a badass. Hell, he likes it more when Kino is all tough and savage. He thinks its hot.

Being An Idiot Isn't That Bad [JinHongseok]Where stories live. Discover now