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Green eyes met mine.

He was about 15, a year older than me.I was looking through my window down at him.They were the first visitors our new neighbors ever had.They as in the blond boy and his mom.

The boy looked bored already, but his gaze quickly changed to curiosity when he spotted me.He smiled at me, which I returned.He started making weird faces, making me laugh.

Once the laughter died he stared at me and winked, making me blush.We were both returned to reality when the door of the house in front of him opened and he was dragged in by the one and only Zach Herron.He's only being here 2 weeks and I already hate him.

It's nothing personal, it's just the guy's an asshole.

The first time we met was the day they moved in.I tried to be nice, because nobody wants their enemy living next door.But, it looked like the little prince wasn't having it and snapped at me.He basically told me he was better than me in all ways posible and to keep my distance or he would break me.Nice.

Me being the calm guy I am, smiled at him and told him "Don't eat too much chocolate, kid, its affecting your brain.Oh, and by the way, you're 5 feet shorter than me and like 2 years younger, so all you can break is Oreo packages"

We didn't have any other conversations, just a couple of hard stares from him and smiles from me.See, total asshole.

I returned my gaze to the guitar on my bed.I took it and walked downstairs to my back garden.See, the garden is my safe place.Where I think, cry, stargaze and sing.My safest place.I start singing a song I wrote a few weeks ago.(I know Daniel didin't actually write it.Oh, and imagen he's playing the guitar and not the piano)

What if, what if we run away?
What if, what if we left today?
What if we said goodbye to safe and sound?
What if, what if we're hard to find?
What if, what if we lost our minds?
What if we let them fall behind and they're never found?

And when the lights start flashing like a photobooth
And the stars exploding, we'll be fireproof
My youth, my youth is yours
Trippin' on skies, sippin' waterfalls
My youth, my youth is yours
Runaway now and forevermore
My youth, my youth is yours
A truth so loud you can't ignore
My youth, my youth, my youth
My youth is yours

And I don't wanna grow up
I wanna stay young 'til I've had enough
I'm keeping my youth 'til my youth grows up
But if you know me you know that's a bluff
We've got people tryna live their whole life from the safest route
Trying to live their lives just like everyone else
But if your God have you a gift
Then you can expect for him to give you a chance
To make him more profound with it
I'm not saying life will be easy, no
I'm just saying that life will come and go
So you can expect me for me to take this life
And do with it what I feel that my God had given me to show
So ignore the risk and take the fall
And if it's meant to be it will be worth it all
Don't be immune to your blessings
But trust them
And trust in God and God will bless you

I was in the middle of the song when I heard a door slam shut.But it was too far to be a door of my house.I rushed to the front of my house to see the blond from before racing out of Zach's house.He looked pissed, but at the same time like he was holding back tears.He sat against a tree, back facing me.

I hesitated but walked to him.I know what is being both mad and sad, so I decided I wouldn't face him, I would sit at the other face of the tree."Are you ok?"I whispered.I moved my head slightly so I could see him a little.He shook his head slowly."If you-"I was cut off by him."Sing"He stated.I was confused"Why?"He sighed."Just-sing, please"He pleaded.He sounded- broken.Poor guy.God knows what that family did to him.So, I sang.I sang the last part of my song, but in a whisper.

Oh, my youth, my youth is yours
Trippin' on skies, sippin' waterfalls
My youth, my youth is yours
Runaway now and forevermore
My youth, my youth is yours
A truth so loud you can't ignore
My youth, my youth, my youth
My youth is yours

Just as I finished a voice was heard from the Herron's house."Babe?Baby?Where are you?"Zach.I heard the blond boy sigh.But wait."Baby?"I asked shocked.He nodded slightly."New boyfriend"He muttered, but you could hear the hate on his voice.He was probably forced to.
Poor guy.He got up and I did the same.He then faced me.I was amazed by his beauty.How could somebody look so perfect?Thank god he didn't have tears on his eyes, I hate seeing people cry, and more when they have a good heart.

He smiled slightly."Thanks for that.Oh, and nice voice"He whispered.I blushed a littles."T-thanks"Shit.Im stuttering.He looked down."Well, I better go back with the little prince"He sarcastically said.I laughed slightly."Good luck"

He smiled at me."Thanks.Well, bye"I waved.He then turned back and headed slowly towards the house.But, what I didin't know was

That green wouldn't meet blue for a long time.


Heyyyyy my friendssss
Aa you can see I'm starting a new story:)
This is gonna be a more complicated love story, so it might be longer than my first story;))


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