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Open window.But wasn't it closed?

I glanced around, looking for the intruder.But I'm alone.I instantly shiver.Just imagen.You.At your house.Alone.At 1 am.Window open.But it wasn't a minute ago.

I then decided to look out of the window.It was silence for a minute until there was a face in front of me.Too close.It was a blond boy with green eyes.It was...


The boy who inspired all of my songs since that day.


The boy that made me ashamed because we only met once but still managed to get in my mind.All the time.


The boy with the most exotic eyes I would love to stare at all day.

There was just something about him.Something.

"Hey, Youth boy"He greeted.I was confused.Youth boy?Then it hit me.3 years ago.I sang to him.I sang Youth.And that he remembered made my insides explode of happiness.But I still had a question.What was he doing here?"Umm hey blondie.Um two questions:One:What are you doing here and two:how the fuck did you get here that quick"I answered.

He chuckled."One:I need help.Two:I don't know aaand language, boy"He cheekily replied."Ok I guess"I answered.I moved from the window and he entered.

We sat on my bed.Just then I noticed his red eyes.He had been crying?"Soooo...what happened?"I asked softly.

"Herron.My boyfriend"He started.I huffed."The little prince?What did he do?Went shopping without permission?"I sarcastically asked.The truth was that I still hated the guy.He was just too annoying.Too selfish.Too himself.And that he made this pure-hearted boy cry didn't help.

The blond chuckled."No, that was last year."He started.I left out a laugh."He just cheated"He muttered.My mouth snapped close.What?I was confused.Even if Zach was a complete asshole, but one thing was for sure.He really liked blondie guy.I could see it.Hear it.Feel it.

"What?With who?"I asked, getting closer.He looked up."You go to his school, don't you?"He asked."Sadly yes"I said.He cracked a smile."It was with Jack guy.The noodles hair boy"He said.I frowned.


Jack was the total opposite of Zach.While Zach was selfish and ignorant, Jack was carefree and selfless.We weren't friends, but I had talked to him some time.They were basically the opposite of each other.But opposite attract, don't they?

I shook my head, releasing all my thoughts."And why are you crying?I thought you didn't like him that way"I softly said.But I already knew the answer."My feelings changed.I learned more about him.He isn't that bad.He just haves...problems.I even liked him, but no, he was too busy eating Jack's face out"He mumbled.My head was swirling with thoughts, but I needed to concentrate on him.Make sure he was alright.

"Can I hug you?"He asked.Oh no.That would make him stay in my mind forever.
"But we are strangers"I answered.And it was true, I didin't even know his name.
"We are not if I hug you"He stated.I thought for a minute.

"Do you want me to sing to you instead?"I asked, sounding shy.He looked at me with a curious look and then nodded.So, I grabbed my guitar.I glanced at him a last time and started strumming the guitar.

Some girls get all done up, lose their face to repair
They attend every party, but it's taking them nowhere
Some think it's funny, say they don't even care
But on the inside they wish they were there
What has it come to now?
We all wanna be like the rest
Can't describe just how
But we're all a beautiful mess

One moment we're broken and then we're fine
"He called you back?" "Wait, wasn't he mine?"
One moment we're broken and then we're fine
Lost in the puzzle of the teenage mind

Some boys make the trouble and think they're all "it"
Constantly in company or thrown to the ditch
And some are just there to have a good time
Ignoring every bit of drama and each little lie
What has it come to now?
We all wanna be like the rest
Can't describe just how
But we're all a beautiful mess

One moment we're broken and then we're fine
"He called you back?" "Wait, wasn't he mine?"
One moment we're broken and then we're fine
Lost in the puzzle of the teenage mind

What have we come to now?
Can't describe just how
One moment we're broken and then we're fine
They said hello but missed goodbye
We are all insane inside
And no one's gonna figure out the teenage mind

As always, I had my eyes closed all throughout it.The truth is, this is one of the only songs that I wrote that isn't about the blond next to me and is actually true.Teenagers are just...messed up.Me included.Its just difficult.One moment you feel like crying and the next you feel like you are going to laugh to death because of your friends.

I opened my eyes and see blondie staring at me.He looked lost in thought.He snapped out and actually looked at me."That was...true.All of it"He whispered.I looked down."I know.Just that nobody wanted to admit it"I answered.He stared at me for a little too much and then looked down.

I laid down, feeling tired.I could tell he was too.So, I pulled him down with me.We were both close, but not that much."Do you want to explain it to me more?"I asked.He nodded.

"So um-I always go to Zach's house the Friday's at night, around this hour.It's obviously late, so I just clime through his window.Thats how I did that quickly.So, today I climbed the window and saw Zach.With him.Kissing."He explained."Oh, I'm really sorry about that, but, why do you go to his house so late?"I asked, moving my head to face his."Because, the little prince says it's more "exiting" and "adventurous""I laughed.

"Jesus, he really likes dreaming"I said in between laughs.He chuckled."You don't even know"

There was silence for a while, but a comfortable one.He then got up."I should get going"I followed him to my window."Ok.Oh, and by the way, don't feel sad because of the cheating.He doesn't know what he is missing.Plus, if it's meant to be it will be"I assured."Thanks, teenage boy"I cringed."Stick to the youth one, please"

He chuckled and climbed out.He started walking backwards "Bye my prince!"Oh he did not."Don't you dare, blondie!"I shouted back, feeling embarrassed.He just chuckled.

When my eyes couldn't see him any more I sighed and closed the window.How am I supposed to get him out of my head now?When I've already heard his voice, when I've already felt his skin?

I'm really messed up.


Holaaaa my amigos
I'm backkkk w/ the second chapter:))
I probably won't upgrade til Friday night or Saturday, since I have exams soon and a bday the Friday afternoon:(


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