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                                   C O R B Y N

"Do you want to hear it?"

"Yes please"

The next thing I know, Daniel is singing, like always, like a perfect angel.

So you're still thinking of me
Just like I know you should
I can not give you everything, you know I wish I could

I'm so high at the moment
I'm so caught up in this
Yeah, we're just young, dumb and broke
But we still got love to give

While we're young dumb
Young, young dumb and broke
Young dumb
Young, young dumb and broke
Young dumb
Young, young dumb and broke
Young dumb broke high school kids

Young dumb broke high school kids

We have so much in common
We argue all the time
You always say I'm wrong
I'm pretty sure I'm right
What's fun about commitment?
When we have our life to live
Yeah, we're just young dumb and broke
But we still got love to give
While we're young dumb
Young, young dumb and broke
Young dumb
Young, young dumb and broke
Young dumb
Young, young dumb and broke
Young dumb broke high school kids

Young dumb broke high school kids

Jump and we think, leave it all in the game of love
Run into sin, do it all in the name of fun
I'm so high at the moment
I'm so caught up in this
Yeah, we're just young, dumb and broke
But we still got love to give
While we're young dumb
Young, young dumb and broke
Young dumb
Young, young dumb and broke
Young dumb
Young, young dumb and broke
Young dumb broke high school kids

Young dumb broke high school kids

Young dumb broke high school kids

All trough it Daniel had his eyes close, which, as always, gave me time to stare at his face.His beautiful face.I just loved how pink his lips were.How his eyes stunned me every time I see him.How his hair looks good even when he doesn't try.But what drove me insane was his touch.

How it was so gentle and shy.And so warm.The truth is, I did calm him Boo Bear because his touch, but also because I knew it was a couple-lish name.And he knew too.And he blushed.And I loved it.

Daniel opened his eyes, looking at me.He smiled."Thoughts?"He asked.I grinned goofily."I loved it, Boo"That made him smile even more."Should we do something?"He asked."Ok, but what?"I asked.He thought for a second.

"What of we play hide and seek?"He asked enthusiastically."Ok"We got off the Ferris Wheel."Who's it?"I asked."You"Daniel said before running away.I chuckled and counted to 50.

"Boooo where are yoouuuuu"I song sang.I was walking towards the old food places when I sensed something move behind me.I turned around and saw Daniel making a run trough a grass area towards the other end of the park.

I smirked and chased him.I soon got him, picking him up and spinning us around, while Daniel squealed.I chuckled and laid us both on the grass."That was fun"I said, turning my head to see Daniel panting."Yeah it was"He managed to say in between breaths.

I then stared at the stars.They were my favorite view, after Daniel, obviously."I love space"I muttered."Really?Thats awesome.Whats your favorite planet?"He asked."Mars"I responded.He gasped."That's mine too"He exclaimed.I chuckled at his enthusiasm.

"You know, I love our late night talks"I said later, finally looking at him."Me too.You are really fun"He grinned."And you sing perfectly"I complemented, making him blush."You sing better"He muttered.I frowned."No I don't.I sound like a dying frog"I complained.

Now he frowned."No you don't.Never say that again.You sing as good as me"He half growled.I chuckled."Ok, whatever you say"I glanced at my clock.1:43am."We should go back now, Boo Bear.Is already late"I muttered, standing up and picking him up like last time.

"Why do you always carry me?I weight a lot"He whispered against my neck, sending me shivers down my spine.I frowned."No you aren't.You are as light as a feather"I growled this time hugging him tighter.I could feel he was cold."Do you want me sweatshirt?"I asked.

He nodded slightly.I set him down and took off my sweatshirt, exposing a bit of my stomach in process.When I gave the sweatshirt to Daniel I saw him blushing.He saw it.I smirked at the thought and winked at him.He finally put in my sweatshirt and to say he looked even more adorable was an understatement.I quickly snapped a picture and gave    my phone to Daniel while picking him up again.

"Post the picture I just took of you, please"He looked at me."Why?" "Because you look fucking cute"I muttered.He blushed again.I would never get tired of making him blush.

corbynbesson                                                          ...     

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❤️liked by imzachherron and 198.087 others
corbynbesson hello it's Daniel and I was supposed to post a picture of me in blondie's account but I don't wanna so instead I'm posting this one of him caring me:)

view all 178.845 comments
imzachherron bro he's gonna kill u
  seaveydaniel im not ready to die I'm too young
    imzachherron then start running

(Corbyn still hadn't seen the post)I heard Daniel chuckle."What are you laughing at?"I asked, arriving at Daniel's house."You'll see"He said.You could basically hear him grin.

"We are here Boo"I announced.He got off my back, pouting."Why can't you stay the night?"He asked, hugging me tight.I sighed."I wish I could, but there is school tomorrow, Boo.What about I stay over the Friday?"I offered, hugging back tightly."Ok.Do you want your sweatshirt back?"He asked, pulling away.

"No, keep it.It looks better on you"I grinned.He did too."Great, because I wasn't giving it back.Well, bye blondieee"He exclaimed, running off and jumping to his room.I chuckled and waved enthusiastically."BYE BOOOOO"I shouted and ran off.I heard him chuckle and close his window.I sighed happily.

This boy was making my life better each day.

Hello amigosss
Wellll here u have:)I might as well update again since I'm bored af:)


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