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The next day I didn't do much.I hanged out with Christina, who invited Jonah.I was slightly annoyed by that.Its nothing personal, it's just that Chris is one of my best friends and we haven't hanged in a while.And Jonah...

Everybody said we had this "thing", but I didn't really think that.It was more of he kinda liked me and I thought he was cool.I didn't like him.Yes, he did hug me, and sometimes place me on his lap but I always thought that was friendly.I haven't liked anybody in 3 years.Guess why?

Well, so that was it.Oh, and I went for a walk.Yeah that's about it.Well, something happened at night.I was attacked by a bear-no just kidding.It was worse.

Parents were out in a dinner so far away they decided to stay on a hotel.I was sleeping, this time with my window opened by me.I was already asleep when somebody woke me up.

"Wake up, youth boy"The voice muttered.I instantly knew who it was.Just by two little details:One;youth boy, a nickname only one person has for me.Two;the voice.I knew that voice.It was the one that hadn't left my head since the day before.

It was obviously blondie.

I fluttered my eyes open, groaning mentally because of the big amount of tiredness I felt.And there, two inches away from my face, was the boy I found perfect."What?"I asked, voice soft.He just grinned.

"I'm here for my therapy"He said.I frowned "Therapy? What therapy?"I muttered."Well, you see, yesterday's talk made me feel better and today I felt like shit again so I thought you could use your powers to make me happy again."He joked, but I was too sleepy to notice what he actually said.

"Okay, but how long is this gonna take?"I asked.I was mentally crossing my fingers so he could visit me more.Yes, I did say his presence made me go crazy, but I already am, so why just go totally mad?Ok, that sounded creepy.

"Well, my relationship lasted 3 years so I think the therapy should too"He confidently answered."Ok I guess"I sat up, making him almost fall.I stopped myself from laughing and covered it up with a cough."So, what exactly do you want me to do?"

"Well, I was hoping that the same as yesterday;just a talk, some laughs and a song"He explained.I nodded."Do I get anything in return?"I asked.He didn't really think I was gonna do this just because he was good looking, didn't he?

He thought for a moment."You can ask me a question after each therapy"He said."Ok then"

"So, talk me about Zach.What do you miss about him?"I asked.He looked down."Well, he was just himself.I just miss how his eyes shinned and how his blushing cheeks looked when he smiled"He answered.

I nodded."Well, you do know you can find somebody else with that qualities, don't you"I looked at him seriously.He looked at me dead in the eye."Yeah, I know"Them there was a stare contest.He was lost in thought while I tried to find out what his thoughts were.

Why does this boy think so much?I decided to break the silence."Anything else about him you miss?"He thought."Well, mostly his touch.It drove me mad"He said."That's why you asked for a hug yesterday?"I asked.

He shrugged."Not really, I just wanted something to hold."He looked down ashamed.I then felt like shit.Why couldn't I just give the boy a freaking hug?"Don't be ashamed, blondie.Everybody needs somebody sometimes.Do you want a hug now?"I asked, leaning down to try to catch his eye, but he would look away.

He nodded.He then opened his arms for a hug and made grabby hands.How cute.I chuckled and leaned in.I had my arms around his shoulder while his were placed around my waist.His touch was warm and electric.It was perfect.

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