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                                       D A N I E L


The day of the party.Yay.

I was in class, last hour, last minute.Pretty exciting.Everybody was staring at the clock, waiting for the moment.Even the teacher had stopped talking and was mirroring everyone else.


Everybody got up and rushed outside, a few sighing I'm relief while others just squealed.But I was concentrating on getting home.Today I had skate to school since it was such a nice day.So, I grabbed my skateboard from my locker and rushed outside.Once out, I placed my skateboard on the floor and rushed towards my house, dodging people on the way.

Why such a rush?You might ask.Well, the party starts at eight.It's 3:30 and I still had to shower, do my homework and get groceries since my mum can't.And that's what I did.First groceries, then homework and finally showering.

By the time I got out of the shower it was already 5:57.I sighed.I had time.So, I got dressed in this ⬇️

So, I got dressed in this ⬇️

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(And some ripped jeans)

I then laid down and waited till Corbyn came pick me up.



Tap tap tap.

Daniel, opened the window with an excited look on his face.I smiled brightly at him and jumped in. "Hey Boo"I greeted. "Hey" Then I decided to check him out.

And to say he took my breath away is an understanding.He was just perfect.He looked 40% hot and 60% cute, but his cuteness exploded once he looked down while biting his lip, clearly aware of what I was doing.I smirked and got closer.

"You look good Boo"I completemented while resting my head on his shoulder. "T-Thanks.Y-you too"He muttered nervously.Oh, I was wearing this.⬇️

"Shall we go?"I goofily questioned extending my hand

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"Shall we go?"I goofily questioned extending my hand. "We shall"He grinned grabbing it.


                                     D A N I E L

The ride was full of bad singing and joking, with an excited atmosphere.When we finally got to Jonah's house, Corbyn hopped off and opened my door.He took my hand and led my to the door.

You could already hear music at a loud volume and lots of chattering.We knocked on the door, which quickly opened.It was Jack, who had a red cup on his left hand. "Hey guys!Come in"He happily invited, moving aside. "Hey Jack.Are you already drunk?"Corbyn asked. "Oh no!This is apple juice with some tequila!"He said.

"Hey Daniel!Who's this?"Zach asked suddenly from the other point of the room.We joined him. "Well, Zach, meet Corbyn.Corbyn meet Zach"I grinned.They shook hands and stared talking.


                                   C O R B Y N

"Wanna dance?"I asked Daniel.We've been in the party for 2 hours now, just talking and me getting to know Daniel's friends. "Sure.Let me go to the bathroom first"And off he went.

I was suddenly greeted with a angry looking Jonah. "What are you doing here?"He asked loudly.I just sipped my apple juice calmly. "I came with Daniel"I simply replied.He put a disgusted face on. "He told me he was bringing someone, but didn't tell me it was you"He stated. "Well now you know"I replied.

"Everything ok?"Daniel's angelic voice sounded behind me.I turned around and smiled. "Yeah, just talking to Jonah"I said while taking his hand. "No actually.What's he doing here?"Jonah asked inpatiently. "I told you I was bringing someone"Daniel replied annoyed.

"There is a problem"Jonah said taking Daniel and pulling him toward him. "I already told you.He's mine"He said snaking a hand around the shorter's waist.

I rolled my eyes. "No he isn't.He doesn't like you like that, big guy.And, if he belonged to someone, he would belong to me"I replied with crossed arms.He raised his eyebrows. "Seriously?Let's fight for him then"He stated. "No"I simply replied while taking Daniel away.

"Why?Scared, Besson?"You could basically hear his smirk. "No, actually.I came here to have fun, not to beat your ass"I replied.You could hear 'uuuuhhh's from the people who were listening, which were a lot.I began walking away, hand in hand with Daniel.

All of a sudden I was pushed forwards, stumbling and letting Daniel's hand go.I looked at Jonah, who now was behind me and then at Daniel. "Sorry Boo, But I'm about to beat up this dude"I mumbled and punched Jonah's right cheek.

After a few punches I gave him and a few ones he tried to give me, I finally got annoyed and pushed him to the nearest wall. "Look, dude, I don't have anything against you, so I'll leave you alone if you leave me and Daniel alone"I growled. "Never"He confidently replied. "Why?"I asked. "Because you are no good to Daniel.He likes me and not you"He replied.

I raised my eyebrows. "Really?How Do you know that?"I asked. "You'll see"He said.I let him go and we looked at Daniel. "Cutie, choose one and kiss him"Jonah demanded. "Well, choose the one that you like"I corrected.Daniel looked nervous.He looked down and bit his lip.I went to him slowly and cupped his cheek. "Hey, Boo, it's ok.I won't be mad if you choose him.Just do what your heart tells you to do"I whispered.He nodded and walked towards Jonah.



Heyyy left you a cliffhanger there;)I'll update later tho:)


𝐒𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐬 𒊹︎ Dorbyn ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now