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The next day I woke up at 10, quite tired.I should probably take a nap later so I can be awake when Corbyn comes I thought as I got up to wash my face and teeth.

I then did my homework, something that I forgot I had.Once finished, I got my skate and went to the park.I was surprised to meet Jack there.

"Hey Daniel"He greeted, stopping his skateboarding next to me."Hey Jack"I replied, smiling."Sooo how are you doing?"He asked."I'm great.And what about you?Is it true you kissed Zach while he had an boyfriend?"I asked.Hos face showed a hurt expression."I-It is true.But I didn't know!I swear!He never told me!"He exclaimed, raising his hands in defense.

I gave him a reassuring smile."I believe you.You are not that type of guy.I know it"I said.He sighed in relief."Thanks"He muttered."Oh and, um is it ok I still want to be with Zach?"He asked nervously."Of course, I'm sure blond- his ex-boyfriend will find someone else"I replied smiling, hoping he didn't notice how I almost called Corbyn blondie.

He sighed in relief."Ok, thanks"He said.I waved and returned home.I should probably tell Corbyn about this I thought while I laid down at my couch.My parents texted me saying they would arrive soon, since they still were at the hotel.

I was watching Riverdale when my I got a text from Jonah.

Heyyy Dani

Heyy Jonah

Do u need a ride 4 tmw?

Okk thx

See u cutie

Byee J

I sighed happily.I wouldn't need to walk to school.Thank god.

———————Time skip to 1 hour later———————

I turned around when I heard my 2 parents entering.I smiled at them and hugged them."Hey"I greeted."Hello love"My mum responded, caressing my cheek."How have you been, son?"My dad questioned, taking his jacket off."Good, actually"

"Did you sleep well?You look tired"My mum asked, sounding worried."Um-I-"I stuttered.My mum grinned"Was it Jonah who kept you up?Did you use protection?"My mum half joked.

I looked at her like he had grown two heads."No mum!Oh my- we didn't do it!And it wasn't Jonah who kept me up!"I exclaimed disgusted.

She laughed."Ok ok I believe you"I smiled."But it sure was Jonah"She finished, winking.I groaned and went up to my room.

—————————Time skip to 11pm————————

I was laying down, scrolling through my phone when I hear a noise.I left my phone and looked around.I then heard it again.I looked towards the window.I then saw a rock hit my window.That was the noise.But I was still confused.Who was it?

I looked through it to see the one and only Corbyn.I opened the window and waved.He smiled."Blondie?What are you doing here?It's still 11"I told him confused.He nodded."I know.But I want to take you somewhere"He said.

"Where?" "You'll see"He winked."What do I wear?"I asked, looking down at my shorts and thin white t-shirt."Just change into some jeans"I nodded and ran of to my closet.

𝐒𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐬 𒊹︎ Dorbyn ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now