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I woke up with a light head on my chest.I smiled as I gazed at the sleeping beauty that I called Boo.My smile widened once I remembered that he kissed me.

I then decided that I would tell him my feelings for him.I just couldn't ignore the spark I felt once his lips where on mine, it would drive me crazy.So I decided to go straight to the point.

And straight to his lips, since once he started stirring and opening his eyes, I placed my lips on his.And there they were, the sparks.I placed a hand on his cheek as he kissed back and leaned in my touch.

Once we parted for air I smiled at him. "I think that my feelings for you were clear on that kiss, weren't they, Boo"I smiled goofily.He nodded with a grin.

"And mines will be in this one"Is all he said before kissing me sweetly.Our smiles were so big we ended up parting soon, and I was ready to ask the question.

"Will you be my boyfriend?"He smiled and nodded. "Obviously"he smiled and we kiss again.And our love never ended.We got married 7 years later and adopted a little girl called Kenzie.

And that's it.Thats the story of how I finally could call my Boo mine.How I finally got to kiss my ex-boyfriend's neighbor.How I finally married my Lost Boy.

How I finally created a family with the boy that was once a stranger.And how I loved him til the end, obviously.



Anddd I'm back with the last chapter:')I just want to thank all of you for reading this fanfic, and voting for it<3I love all of you :')

Stay tuned for my new Greece fanfic: 'Like to be you'


𝐒𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐬 𒊹︎ Dorbyn ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now