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                                      D A N I E L

Tuesday night.

Now that I've met Corbyn all I do at night is try to wait patiently till 12 o clock, normally scrolling through my phone.But, today, I was tired, so all I did was close my eyes and thought of everything that happened today.

Today has actually been a good day.I have laughed with my friends, listened in class and even found 5 dollars on the floor.There was just this thing.Well, more like person.


He had been extra touchy today, hugging me and all that.It made me slightly uncomfortable, since I didn't like him.But, apart from that little fact, it was a good day.

I glanced at my clock.10:55.Ugh, still early.I sighed and closed my eyes again.There was a few seconds of silence until a rock hit my window.How do you know it's a rock?You might be wondering.Well, I've heard it thousands of times thanks to Corbyn.


Could it be him?

I snapped my eyes open and ran towards my window.I opened it and looked down.There he was.I smiled at him, but it quickly faded away when I saw his physical appearance.What happened?

I  jumped off my window skillfully and paced to him.I got to him and cupped his cheeks in my hands.

"What happened?"I said, voice almost cracking.He looked awful.He had a giant blue mark on his right cheek, a nose that had dried blood underneath and his face was cold, while we were almost at 45 degrees.

I couldn't see the rest of his body, but by the way he bit his lip and had his hands into fists, I could tell he was in pain.Plus, there was dried blood on his shirt.

"I-I got into a fight"He mumbled, looking down.I sighed and hugged him carefully, knowing he could have bruises anywhere.I pulled us both into my room and faced him, face upset but serious.

"Take your shirt off"I demanded.He frowned."Just do it"(Sorry Nike;))He nodded and took it off.I winced at the sighed.

His torso was even worse.He had purple and red marks every where, all of them of different sizes and shapes.His sick pack was covered by marks."Who?"I looked up into his eyes, mine where weak, wanting nothing but to cry.His showed how strong he was, but mirrored my expression when he realized how upset I was."Some guys from school"He whispered.I nodded and pulled him to the bathroom.

"Sit"I ordered.He nodded and hopped into the counter.I got the first kit and opened it.I first cleaned some open wounds he had on his shoulders.He hissed ones or twice, but kept quiet all through it.I covered the worst-looking bruises with bandages.

Next, I cleaned his nose, which tickled him.He let out the cutest laugh I've ever heard.I smiled softly and examined the bruise on his left cheek.I frowned once I saw how he flinched when I touched it slightly.I kissed it sweetly but softly and looked at him."Don't you scare me like that, blondie"I muttered, hugging him again.

"Sorry"was his response while he hugged back.We returned to my room.I sat both of us in my bed."Explain"I demand, crossing my arms.

"Well, I was in lunch, talking with my friends, when this Eben guy called me.He took me outside and then I saw his other 4 friends.I swear I don't have anything against the guy, but his an asshole, so sometimes I have to shut him up since nobody else will.And, since I'm popular, people go in my side.Eben is popular, but just because he is the biggest bully.So, um, he told me to do this thing and I said no and he threw me a punch and I blocked it and he got mad and they all started punching and I defended myself like I could.And, I need to say, I did pretty good considering it was a 1 vs 5.They ended up worse than me."He explained, smiling proudly at the end.

𝐒𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐬 𒊹︎ Dorbyn ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now