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"I should leave"He said.

"No, you are not going anywhere"I demanded.

"But you seem occupied"

"You are not going, blondie, you can help us"

He sighed and nodded.I looked at Jonah.I smiled at him, trying to lift up the strange vibe around us. "Come in, Jonah, we still need to start the project"

Shit.I forgot about the project.Jonah had told me he would come around 10, since he had baseball practice.He nodded and sat on my bed, making me be in the middle of the two tall boys.There was a moment of uncomfortable silence.

Well shit, this is awkward

"We should get started.Did you bring what I told you?"I asked Jonah, eyeing the bag he brought.He nodded and showed me all the decorations about space for our project.

I saw Corbyn's eyes lit up."Is that a drawing of the constellation Leo?"He exclaimed, coming closer.I grinned at Jonah.He returned it.Thats when we both knew this was gonna be easy.

——————————1 hour later———————————

"Aaaand were finished"I exclaimed, high-fiving the two boys next to me.We actually did great.We all worked hard, and there weren't any moments of tension.Thank god.

"Hey, should we go for a walk?Its nice outside"Corbyn said.I nodded while Jonah scoffed."This late?Hell no!"He said.I shrugged."Ok then, let's go blondie"I said, getting up. "Ok, ok I'll go with you" Jonah said getting up.

Me and Corbyn jumped out of the window quickly. "Wow, wow slow down Spider-Mans"Jonah said.He carefully jumped. "Let's go" Corbyn said, starting walking.I was on the middle.Great.

After a while I felt Jonah's hand on my ass.I frowned.Who did he think he was?Corbyn seemed to notice.He stopped walking and took Jonah's hand off my ass. "Don't touch him"He grunted.Jonah raised his eyebrows. "Why not?"He asked.

"He isn't confortable" Corbyn said, taking my hand softly. "How do you know?Do you read minds or something?" Jonah asked. "I don't need to to see he dosen't  like it"Corbyn snapped.

"Look, dude, I tried being nice to you but you are trying to take what's mine, and I don't accept that"Jonah exclaimed.Corbyn didn't look suprised.

"He's not your, big guy.You are too chicken to ask him out"Corbyn snapped. "Look who's talking"Jonah growled, taking my other hand violently.

"Calm down, guys"I said. "I can't when he wants to take you away from me!He's a bad influence, Daniel.Probably a fuckboy that loves one night stands" Jonah shouted.

"You don't know me, dude.And I ain't stealing anybody from you, if something im helping him scape you"Corbyn responded.

All of a sudden Jonah's fist is in Corbyn's right cheek.He stumbled back, dropping my hand.O turned to Jonah. "What the fuck Jonah!"He seemed unfazed by what he just did. "What?He's just weak, too weak for you"He simply replied.I raised my eyebrows.

"Fuck you"

With that I ran to Corbyn. "Blondie, are you ok?"I said, seeing him grabbing his cheek with his eyes closed. "Yes.Just fed up of being a punching bag"He muttered.My heart broke at that words.He, from all people, didn't deserve this.

"Let's get you home, babe"I said, the nickname slipping out of my mouth.We started walking towards his house.I blushed and looked at him.Had he noticed?I saw him smirking slightly.He did.

I blushed even harder as he opened his front door.I looked around.The apartment was small but comfy.And it smell to him. "Nice house"I muttered while we got to his room.

"Thanks" He muttered while falling (face first) in his bed.I chuckled and joined him. "Let me see it" I mumbled.He faced me.I frowned.Jonah had hit him hard. "Asshole"I muttered, kissing his cheek.He smiled sweetly.

"I should let you sleep"I said sadly. "Nooo stay till I fall asleep"He pouted.I grinned. "Sure"

And that's what I did.

I whispered the lyrics to my Peter Pan song and played with his hair until he fell asleep.I looked down at his calm body.He looked even cuter with his mouth slightly open and his messy hair.I snapped a picture and posted it.

seaveydaniel ...


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❤️liked by jackavery and 198.987 others

seaveydaniel  My Peter Pan 💚

                     tagged: corbynbesson

view all 158.109 comments

jackavery  I'll be Captain Hook then
seaveydaniel dosen't  fit u bro

imzachherron awww❤️Jack take notes

I returned home and laid down.Just as I was about to fall asleep, my phone vibrated.

I'm sorry

Don't apologize to me.Do it to him

I will.Tomorrow

I sighed and closed my eyes until I drifted to sleep.

Well, that's all the updates for today.Now I need to go study:(


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