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"Hey, wake up Boo"A voice whispered.I groaned and rubbed my eyes.I opened them to see Corbyn smiling lazily at me.

"Morning"I said yawning."We fell asleep on the Ferris Wheel"He said."I know.This was obviously not my bed"I said.He chuckled."Its 6, so the sun is rising.Wanna take pics?"He asked, ruffling my hair.


———————After taking the pictures———————

"We should post them"he offered.I smiled and nodded.

seaveydaniel ...


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❤️liked by imzachherron, jackavery and 91.586 others
seaveydaniel We fell asleep on a Ferris Wheel and now we are watching this:)


view all 75.979 comments
jackavery sounds fun
seaveydaniel it was
corbynbesson coolest Monday night ever

corbynbesson ...


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❤️liked by imzachherron and 93.978 others
corbynbesson took this without him noticing;)💙


view all 71.009 comments
seaveydaniel u dork;(💚
Imzachherron can I marry him
jackavery Hey!And me?:(
Imzachherron don't worry u are invited to the wedding
seaveydaniel I didn't agree to this

"What if we skip today?"Corbyn asked. I nodded.I was so tired I couldn't think straight, so skipping was the best idea."Lets text our friends so they tell the teachers we are "sick""He nodded.I texted Jack, since he's the only person I have all my classes with.

Heyyy can u tell the teachers I'm sick?

Of course:) have fun with Corbyn;)

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