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Monday Morning.Ugh.

My alarm started shouting at 7, so I got the nearest thing I could grab and threw it to the alarm.Guess what I threw?Well, I threw a slipper.

I then got up while groaning and went towards the bathroom.I washed my face and teeth and changed into a random outfit ⬇️

I washed my face and teeth and changed into a random outfit ⬇️

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I left my hair messy and ran downstairs.I glanced at the clock on the wall of the kitchen.7:26.Jonah should be here any minute.I grabbed a granola bar and, just as I finished it, I heard a honk.

I grabbed my bag and rushed out.You might be wondering:where's your parents?Well they go to work at 6:45, so I don't see them in the mornings.

I closed my front door and hopped into Jonah's car."Hey"I said placing my bag in between my legs.Jonah gave me a warm smile."Hey cutie.How have you slept?You look a bit tired"He asked kinda worried.Shit.He noticed.

I didn't even sleep bad.Oh, and I slept with Corbyn's sweatshirt.Guess who has a new pijama?ME.YAY.

"Oh, it's nothing.Just stayed up for a while"I muttered nervously."Why?Thinking about me?"He smirked.I mentally rolled my eyes.That I stayed up late didn't mean I was thinking of Jonah.He's not the center of the world, for God's sake.I laughed."Whatever you say, big guy"I smiled goofily.

The drive was calm.Most of the time it was silent, but we made small talks every now and then.I, obviously, tried to me nice.I didn't hate Jonah, I just wanted to be his friend.Nothing more.Nothing less.

We arrived at school and hopped off.We went our separate ways, he went towards his friends and I did the same.

"Hey Chris"I greeted her with a hug."Heyyyy Dani"How have you been?"She asked happily."Great, actually"I smiled."Hey Daniel, Christina"A voice said.

I turned around and saw a grinning Jack.I smiled.This guy transfers happiness."I just wanna thank you, Daniel.Now I'm dating Zach!"He exclaimed.I grinned."Congratulations bro"He grinned even more."Thanks, oh, and by the way, Jonah wants to speak to you"He finally said.We said our goodbyes and I went towards Jonah.

"Hey.You wanted to talk to me, didn't you?"I said smiling slightly.He nodded."Yes, actually.Im throwing a party this Friday and wanted to invite you.I forgot to tell you in the car"I thought.What about Corbyn?We were going to have a sleepover."Ok, but can I bring a friend?"I asked hopefully."Of course!See you cutie"I waved and went to my first period early.

I sat down on the far end and texted Corbyn.

Boo Bear💙
Hey blondie:)

Heyy Boo:)

Boo Bear💙
Can I ask you something?

𝐒𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐬 𒊹︎ Dorbyn ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now