Chapter 19 - Drunk

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Luna burst out of the door crying as she stomped her way out of his office. She didn't even notice that Jungkook was there.

What the hell happened? Jungkook got up and went inside.

"Sir?" He stood by the door, Taehyung looking at him with tired eyes. "What.. happened?"

Taehyung grabbed his work bag and went outside, not saying a word. Jungkook quietly following him.

The whole car ride was silent, Taehyung driving them home and Jungkook fiddling with his fingers as he looked out the window. Suddenly, there was an acrid smell of smoke and soon the car was covered in thin, grey fog.

Jungkook let out a cough as he turned to look at the older smoking.

He.. smoke? LOL OH YEAH he was buying cigarettes at the grocery store lol how-

"Sir?" He called but the older didn't respond. "Can I.. roll down the window real quick?" He didn't want the older upset so he just turned his attention back on the road, breathing into his palm.

They arrived home and Taehyung rushed up the staircase and into his room.

Three days after, nothing's changed. Jungkook and Taehyung hadn't been talking ever since and Jungkook's getting tired of it. He put down the breakfast he made by the table and Taehyung didn't even bother to look.


"Sir." He said and the older turned to look at him. "Look, I don't know what could've happened the other day, but can you please talk to me?"

Taehyung glared at him and grabbed him by the arm.



He dragged Jungkook up the stairs and made him sit in bed. He came in with a pile of clothes, the clothes he bought for Jungkook that day.

"Finish the ironing. All of it. Be done with everything before I get here." With that, he left for work.


Jungkook end up finish doing the chores with a frown on his face.

Stupid Taehyung, stupid boss. Why do I have to finish ironing everything he bought at the mall? THIS IS TOO MUCH.

Taehyung arrived home and Jungkook had to rush down the staircase to open up the front door. He was met with an exhausted Taehyung who had messy hair and untied shoelaces.

It's only been 8 hours wtf.

"Sir. I made you din-"

Taehyung walked pass him and threw his body onto the couch. Now Jungkook has smelt it, the smell of smoke and alcohol.

I'm retiring 🚶‍♂️🚶‍♂️

Jungkook hesitantly sat next to the older.

"Sir? Your food will get cold."

Taehyung reached for the younger's hand and with a yank, Jungkook was lying on top of him.


"I-is something wrong?"

Taehyung wrapped an arm onto the back of his waist.

"Yes, you got my name right.."

"Jungkook. I'm so tired, Jungkook.."

"Tired of work? I can uh.. give you a back massage?"

Taehyung shook his head.

"I plan to retire soon."
"Don't say that." Jungkook's cheeks turned red. "Come on, I'll take you to your room."

Taehyung flopped himself in bed as soon as they reached the second floor. Jungkook helped him take his shoes off, along with his vest. He turned his back around to leave when suddenly, he felt Taehyung grabbing onto his hand.


"Y-yeah?" He turned to look at the older. "Is there anything else I could help with?"

"Sleep with me."

He pulled the younger by the arm, making him fall right on top of his chest. Taehyung rolled to the side so that he could lie next to him, the younger quickly facing the other direction.


Taehyung snaked an arm around the younger's waist, lying a chin over his shoulder.

"Shit- SIR." He removed Taehyung's hands that started roaming underneath his shirt.

"So soft." Taehyung giggled.

"Y-you're drunk.." Jungkook turned tomato red, pushing his face away.

"I'm not.. drunk."

Taehyung felt comfortable holding the younger like this. Suddenly Jungkook heard him snoring and he began to panic again.


"Mr. Kim" | Taekook 🐰🐯 [more chapters added]Where stories live. Discover now