Chapter 44 - (Not) The End [18+]

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Jungkook only chuckled. He bobbed his head up and down, slurping noises as he did so. The sticky sounds made Taehyung's emotions run wild and he never wanted this to stop. He wanted be with Jungkook, he wanted Jungkook to be his forever.

"The meeting, sir?"
"I-i.." Jungkook trailed wet kisses up his inner thigh, biting and sucking there until it leaves a dark hickey.

"Anywhere is g-good.." He threw his head back, letting the younger do whatever he wants with his body.

It's been a minute of teasing him, leaving marks on his thighs and Taehyung felt like he's going to explode if Jungkook doesn't stop any sooner.

"P-please.." He begged, cupping onto the younger's cheeks.

"Please touch me where I want to be touched.." He whispered. Jungkook nodded and immediately licked up his base, playing with the tip that was already covered in precum.

Taehyung laid quivering from pleasure as his body temperature began to rise. His dick throbbed painfully, he wanted to release.

He let out an airy moan as the younger moaned into his dick, sending shivers up his body.


Jungkook gripped onto his thighs, pushing them further apart to gain more access. He sucked him harder, hands roaming over his thighs as the older let out shakier whimpers.

"Fuck." Taehyung's eyebrows knitted, toes curling from pleasure. "W-wait.. t-too much." He pushed the younger away but he held Taehyung down by the waist, keeping him still.

"A-ah.." Taehyung bucked his hips, moving against the younger's warm cavern. "I-i'm sorry.. I'm sorry." He bit onto his bottom lip, feeling a familiar warmth pulled into the pit of his stomach. "Fuck.. I-"

"I-i.. hah.. Hah!" Taehyung let out choked moans and Jungkook was quick to take his phone away and ending the call. He bobbed his head faster, letting Taehyung tug onto his hair.

"H-hah.. fuck, Jungkook.." He rolled his hips forwards, looking down at the younger who was looking back at him. "Fuck.."

He let out shakier pants as his body was engulfed in heat, waves of pleasure running through his entire body.

"Fuck.. close.." He tugged onto his hair. "S-so close.." Taehyung's lips parted as he moaned from pleasure.

"Jungkook.. I-i'm gonna.. I'm gonna- hah.." He finally orgasmed, white liquids shooting into the younger's mouth. Heavy pants left his mouth as he felt himself release. He let go of the younger's hair, Jungkook loving the way he came so hard inside him. They pulled away, gasping for air.

"Koo.." He panted, cupping onto his cheeks. "Don't swallow."

Jungkook looked up at him challengingly and gulped down the entire thing, looking straight at him as he did so.

"Oh- God..." Taehyung, still recovering from the orgasm pulled Jungkook onto the couch, holding him closely by the waist.

"What about you? Do you need any-" Taehyung looked down to see his pants already covered in cum. He grinned as the younger hugged onto the older's waist, smiling tiredly.

"Let's go to bed, yeah?" He kissed onto his hair and the younger sleepily nodded, letting the older pick him up and take them to his room.

They changed into their onesies and collapsed in bed.

"Jungkook." Taehyung rolled to the side, facing the younger. He ran his fingers through the younger's hair, admiring his beautiful features.

"Why did you do that?" He cupped onto his cheeks and the younger turned crimson red from the question. He looked away, blushing.

"I-i don't know okay.." He quickly buried his face into the crook of Taehyung's neck, hugging onto his waist. "I-it's embarrassing!"

Taehyung chuckled at the sight.

"Cute. Was it because you're jealous?" He held onto his hand, the other one hugging his waist. "You sounded pretty jealous."

"Maybe I was.." He fiddled with the tiger ears of Taehyung's onesie. "Did you liked it though?" He cupped onto the older's cheeks.

"Mmh.. I liked it a lot." He kissed onto his hand. In a split second, Taehyung was already hovering above him, caging him with his arms.


"But don't do that ever again. I had to tell Jihoon I was stepping on legos for acupuncture purposes."

"You what?" Jungkook let out a laugh and Taehyung loved seeing the sight. Jungkook was laughing like he was the happiest boy on this planet. He wanted things to stay like this forever. He wanted that smile to last forever. He wanted Jungkook to smile because of him. He leaned down and connected his lips with the younger's, Jungkook moaning into the kiss.

"You're so beautiful." He ran a thumb across the younger's cheeks. "I love you so so much.. You know that, right?" He lied his head onto the younger's chest.

"I know.." The younger hummed. "And I love you too."

"..... That was your first time, wasn't it?"

Jungkook's cheeks turned red from the sudden question and he shyly nodded.

"I promise I'll take good care of you from now on. I won't let anyone hurt you ever ever!" He laughed like a child. "Goodnight, baby." He kissed onto his forehead, pulling him closer to himself. "I love you so much.."

"Tae.." Jungkook pecked onto the older's neck, cheeks turning red. "Goodnight.." He sheepishly smiled to himself.

"I love you too."

The End.

Not really, Should I write more?

• Comment "yes" if you want me to continue! Please comment so I know how many of you are willing to stay😔✌️

• Comment any area/location. I will choose one for.... story related 👀 (might/might not be used in the story)


taekook gay💕💓🌼💞💘💗🌸💘🌼💞💕

taekook gay💕💓🌼💞💘💗🌸💘🌼💞💕

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