Chapter 45 - Kisses [slight 18+]

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"Mmh.." Jungkook rolls around in bed. He felt a figure lying next to him and opens an eye, smiling to himself. He pulls Taehyung into his arms, looking at him like he's the man he's in love with.

"Taehyungie.." He buries his face into the older's neck. "Taehyungie?"

"Hm?" Taehyung replies with a raspy voice.
He lied on his side and holds his Jungkook close to him. He chuckles.

"What are you laughing about?" Jungkook pouted, but breaks into a smile when Taehyung begins to tickle his waist. "Stop that! I-i just got up!" He fails to put on a serious face and playfully hits the older's hands. "Tae!" He giggled. "Let go!"

Taehyung grabs him by the arms and climbs on top of the other. He places a soft kiss atop of his forehead. "Good morning, cutie."

"Quiet." He said with flushed cheeks.

"Why :( "
"You're teasing me again."
"I only tease you because I love you." He gives him his puppy eyes, a smirk following after.


"Hey.." Taehyung intertwines their hands, "Koo?" And gazed into his eyes.


"I love you. I really love you."

Jungkook turns tomato red. "Stop it.." He smiles. "You're being cheesy again.."

"Do you not like it :( "
"Does it make you want to leave me?"

He cups Taehyung's face and place a light kiss onto his lips. "No, it makes me want to kiss you."
Taehyung grins, Jungkook burying himself into the crook of his neck.

"I love you too."

"Hm?" He hummed.

He sits up, kissing the older again.
"Mmh.. Koo?" Taehyung blushed. "What is it?"

"Can we do it?"


"Please?" He tugs onto his shirt, pulling him in for a passionate kiss. Taehyung's eyes widened from the sudden change in the atmosphere. He was dumbfounded, failing to make out what was happening as he watches the younger kissing him.

Jungkook have never felt so needy. He wants Taehyung to be his, he wants Taehyung to call him "Mine", wants to be claimed. He wants him, entirely.

"Not enough." Taehyung puckered his lips. "One more time?"

Jungkook pushes the older until his back reaches the mattress.
"K-koo.. I was kidding.."

Jungkook hovered above his frame, leaning in to capture his lips within his. He tilted his head to the side, deepening the kiss. Taehyung was painfully aroused. He lets a moan slip out of his lips then they began moaning into each other's kiss.

Taehyung tightens his grip against the back of Jungkook's shirt, the other hand pulling him closer by the neck. He then lightly tugs onto the back of Jungkook's hair, needing to gasp for air.

Jungkook pulls away with red, swollen lips. "What is it?"

Taehyung then giggles, tracing his finger over his lips. "So.. we're really dating now.." He grins, hands wrapped around his neck.

"Y-yeah." Jungkook shyly admits. "Still in disbelief?"

Taehyung shakes his head. "I just.." He smiles, moving to sit against the headboard. "I'm just so happy." Jungkook sits onto his lap.

"I'm happy too."

Taehyung nips onto Jungkook's bottom lip. His veiny hands snaked up his thighs, pulling him closer by the waist, the younger's eyes squinting at the process.

Jungkook trails open mouth kisses down his lover's neck, smirking against his skin as he feels the older tensing up beneath him. He slowly kisses up his jawline, teasing him by going slow. He sits up and breathily planted kisses onto his right ear. He licked and nibbed and sucked, creating as many dirty noises as possible, wanting the older to hear him nice and clear.

"I thought I said we're going to do it." He whispers into his ear.

"Koo.." He cups his face. "Are you sure?"

"More than ever." "So.. can we.." He fiddles with the hem of his shirt. "Do it? Here? Right here? Right now?"

"Jungkook." Taehyung brushes a thumb across his cheek. "If you're ready, let's do it."


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