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Chapter Sixteen | Umbrella


So the next day i went to school with an umbrella stuffed in my bag. I needed to have one, buying was too much for me but i did. It was lunch now and i finally found a mew spot to eat alone, even if it was near the trash cans i didn't care.

I sat there and quickly ate, ofcourse quietly. I finished and went to the girls bathroom, my heart was beating faster, why was it? I went to a stall and did my thing. After that i went to the sinks and washed my hands, drying it with tissue papers as i went to to my last class.

It was esay as usual, and my life was back to  the beginning again. I don't hang out with them anymore, and i judt ignore them whenever i would pass by them. I was a bit happy, im not stressed like the first time. But i was..a bit sad too. The bell rang indicating classes have ended. I quickly stood up and dashed out of the room, the first time i did to be honest.

As i near the gate way, i pulled out my white umbrella from my bag, opening it quickly so the sun wouldn't hit me. And i noticed at the corner of my eye Yoongi was standing meters away from me, aiming on to open his black umbrella. I sensed he was about to speak so i moved my foot, walking away and leaving him. This was for the best, and i know it.

I hopped on the train, im not going home, im going to see a doctor. My heart has been acting weird since i started skipping school, so i decided on booking an appointment to a doctor my family well knows. I entered her mini hospital center, knocking on her office door what the nurse said.

"you may come in" she spoke, i opened the door revealing a red headed woman around her twenties i guess, she wore a doctor's robe and was sitting on her midium sized desk.

"Sit down Ms. Choi" she gestured me to sit on the chair infront of her desk, i smiled at her as soon as i sat down.

"Ok, so you booked an appointment because???" She asked me and i noded as i spoke

"Well you see, my heart bests weirdly at times" i told her and she nods at my statement

"ok when did it exactly start?" she asked me

"Last three days" i said and she nods again

"Lets take some tests then" she said and leaded me somewhere i don't know. She took several tests on me that i didn't even know what's called, but all i know is its connected to my heart. We finally finished and both of us sat down, she was holding papers, tapping the pen on the desk.

"I'll call you when i finish everything, you can leave now." She said and so i noded, waving goodbye to her as i went back home.


WordCount: 512(a/n not counted)

Happy reading 💜🐷

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