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" many years have you both been married?" the interview went on with this question as i sat down the couch beside Yoongi most known as Suga of Bts

"Well, after a year since Bts and BlackPink's debut. Its been 4 years now as of 1 year of wedding planning" Yoongi answered the question, caresing my hands as he flashed a gummy smile on me

"Now that the Blink's and Army's know about you both we heard you never received death threats and just a bit of haters? Is that true?" She continues on asking

"Yes, its true. Im really happy that our fans are mature and understanding enough through these issues, so me and Yoongi are very thankful  to those supportive Blink's and Army's" i spoke as Yoongi just nodded.

"We really are saranghae Army's and Blink's!" Yoongi said and suddenly stole a quick kiss on my lips making the audience laugh and cheer for the both of us.

"Such a cute couple~ give a round of applause for Min Yoon Angel a.k.a Aji and Min Yoongi a.k.a Suga!" The interview has ended so me and Yoongi went out of the building, walking towards the van.

"Eomma! Appa!" a little girl ran to us and literally jumped on me and Yoongi

"Did Yooan missed eomma and appa?" Yoongi cutely asked to our daughter

"ne! I did, you were both took long for that inerview thing and i thought you and eomma forgot about me" Yooan pouted and her eyes got a bit teary

"Aww..don't cry princess, we'll go and visit your aunt Lisa and uncle Jungkook so you can play with Junli" i said and she brighten up clapping her cute small hands together, as me and Yoongi chuckled at the 4 years old girl.

The three of us got inside the van and the driver which was Jin drove us to their dorm. As soon as we arrived Yooan ran inside Junli's room, they both started playing while me, Yoongi, Lisa and Jungkook sat on the couch watching the kids play around.

"So..eonni how was the interview?" Lisa asked me as Junglook played along with her hair

"It was nice, and not out radius like the first one we had last 2 years" i said with a chuckle, i felt Yoongi's head rest pn my shoulder so i felt even more warmer when his hands loop around my waist.

"E-eomma! J-junli kissed me!" we we're startled by Yooan whailing out and crying as she ran to me and Yoongi who was now awake.

"Eomma...Junli kissed me" She said and hugged me as Yoongi just chuckled at his daughter

"Omg! I ship them Hyung!" Jungkook then fanboys

"Yooab baby..its ok, lets talk to Junli is that fine?" I asked her and she noded, the four of us parents sat down to beside our own child.

"Junli? why did you kiss Yooan?" I softly asked Junli who was fiddling his fingers

"I did that because..because i like Yooan!" He said and hid his face on Lisa's lap, me and Lisa squeals while Yoongi anf Jungkook chuckled.

"Lets arrange marriage them" Yoongi and Jungkook said at the same time

"Aishh..these two nuttheads" i said and all of us chuckled.

"Wh-why do you l-like me Junli?" Yooan asked Junli as they sat together infront of the tv.

"your smart and nice, plus your cute and pretty!" He said and hugged Yooan's waist so they we're both close together.

" you" Yooan gummy smiles which she got from her dad and Junli who was bunny smiling that he got from Jungkook, how cute.


"Jin hyung I'll buy groceries with Angel" Yoongi said and both of us went out of their dorm. We arrived the grocery store and bought everything Jin needed for dinner and some for us too. Some fans wanted autographs from us who recognized us with masks and caps so we gave them.

As we went out of the store it was raining hardly and a bit of thunder we're crashing in the sky. I remembered i didn't even bring an umbrella with us, so stupid-_-

I was about to run under the rain when i was stopped by a hold on my wrist, no single droplet of rain dirpped on my head. I faced the the person who held my wrist and looked up at him.

"I love you Yoongi"

"I love you more Angel"



"ANGEL! WHA- YOU CANT L-LEAVE ME--" my world crashed into million pieces, my heart felt as if it stoped, and my sight went black.

Yay! It really end here now! Im kinda thinking if i should make a Book 2 for this. Tell me if y'all want me to make the Book 2 about Yooan and Junli or proceed with Angel and Yoongi.

And I'll only make Book 2 if this story gets 500+ or 1k reads😊

Again thanks to y'all soon to be readers 💜🐷

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