Chapter 29

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It was now Friday, and the bus rumbled beneath me as Summer and I sat down to go into the Bullring. The past week had gone quickly and Summer and I were both so excited about going to London for the weekend. Mostly because we'd never gone there for longer than a day but also because we couldn't wait to look in the shops and hang out with the guys- who we'd grown closer to.

Josh had tended to ignore us whenever we had talked about the trip during the week, and even Marie was excited for us when we told her on Monday, and she wasn't even coming with us.

Over the past week I'd grown closer to Matt and Chris, who tended to come in every other day, and I found that they were easy to talk to, although they teased me at times about Josh. Luckily Josh hadn't caught on and the two of them weren't as embarrassing as Dan. Summer on the other hand had grown a lot closer to Dan and there was a running joke between Josh and I about how long it would be for them to finally admit their feelings for each other. I mean, it was so obvious! Plus Josh and I openly teased them in front of one another- it was only payback since Dan teased me openly in front Josh, who luckily ignored us anyway. Of course Summer got embarrassed and angry with me easily but I didn't care because I had to suffer her teasing anyway. But I was very fond of Dan, even if he did embarrass the hell out of me.

Max was just adorable, in more ways than one. He was adorable looks wise, because he was slightly shorter than the others and was just huggable. You couldn't help but hug him- especially me- because he reminded you of a young boy who was always cheeky, but in a good way. And the things he said never failed to make me laugh!

"You know, Dan's really hot" Summer stated from my left, where she was sitting next to the window. I glanced at her but returned my gaze to our suitcases to make sure that there was an unlikely chance they would fall and block people from getting off the bus.

"Yeah, I had a feeling you found him attractive" I said, looking at her and grinning widely. She rolled her eyes at me.

"Come on Sum, are you telling me that you don't feel anything for him?" I asked and she frowned at me, but sighed and looked out of the window.

"I don't know. I mean I do like him. I don't know in what way that is but I'm scared because of what happened with Theo" she sighed and looked at me. I gathered her hand in mine and looked into her eyes.

"Now listen to me Summer Haynes. There's nothing for you to be afraid of because Dan is not Theo and I know for a fact that he would never dream of hurting you like that. I know this because Josh, Max, Matt and Chris have all told me, plus he can never stop staring at you when you are in the same room. If you truly like him, then go for it, but don't do it because you're on the rebound" I instructed and she nodded, squeezing my hand.

"I don't know what I'd do without sometimes Liz" she said and I smiled.

"I don't know what I'd do without you either Sum. You are my best friend after all" I shrugged and we smiled at each other.

"I do like him. He's easy to talk to, plus he's understanding about the little things I tell him" she sighed and I grinned at her.

"Well go for it. I must say that I approve, except for the fact that he purposely says stuff in front of Josh because he knows he can embarrass me" I shuck my head and Summer chuckled.

"Yeah he does, but it's because he knows how much you like Josh" she giggled and I gasped, turning to look at her. She gulped at my expression.

"Oh don't worry, Josh of course is oblivious. But me and the four guys all know that you really like him. It's a shame Josh hasn't figured it out yet because you two would be great together, and if I ever got with Dan we could double date. You know, something tells me he likes you to" she grinned and I scoffed, rolling my eyes.

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