Ninja Fight . Chapter 4

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Neuro's POV :-

I was lying on my bed, not really tired. I wouldnt really expect Griffi-- Turner.... to be tired but... Is it possible for a master of speed to get tired at all? Anyways, I couldnt sleep so I decided to finally really look around in my room. There was a bookshelf and one book caught my interest. It was a crimson in colour with gold edges but it had no title whatsoever. I reached for it and I couldnt grab it much further. It was stuck there and I was now confused. Why couldnt I get it out and how is it floating still like that? A couple seconds later, the bit of wall next to the bookshelf opened.

A secret passageway? Where does it lead though?

I walk in, surrounded by nothing but darkness. I squint my eyes to try and see anything but nothing came up. All of the sudden, lights were turned on and I saw heaven. Not literal heaven but... Heaven for me anyways. There was a place of quietness where I can meditate, a place for reading books at the middle of the room and  the best part was that the planks dont creak! Haha!! I can get SO used to this!

Not long after, I decided to meditate for a bit. Just a couple minutes later, I was interrupted by my mind, reading someone else's thoughts. I didnt know who it was or who would still be awake at this time..... Wait... Are these the ninja? What are they doing? I keep listening to what they are thinking.

'This is so cool! A secret passage way!'

'I dont like this.... This seems very shady. Like Chen put the switch there on purpose.'

'mmm! How I love chocolate covered shellpeas!'

'Is that a peephole?'

'Sounds like someone is fighting on the other side of the wall!'


'Kai likes Skylor? Hah! Who would have known?'

'Why are we invading privacy?'

'I wonder what powers she has! Maybe.... She has wind powers!!'

I stop listening as I started to get a headache. Ughh... I hate it when that happens. Im over using my powers. At least now I feel tired enough to sleep.

I walk back into my room and closed the passageway. Then, I hear a faint yelling sound and a thud coming from a room above me. It must be the ninjas. What were they doing? And why were they awake at this time?

I shrug the feeling off and got onto bed and slowly doze off to sleep.

----------------The Next Morning----------------

I wake up, earlier than I thought. It was 6:34 and I wasnt all tired anymore. Who knew all I need was a 6 hour sleep only? Eh... I wanna go outside and see if anyone is awake. I would be lucky if any of my friends are awake.

I get up from my bed, and took a short shower. I fixed my hair, put on clothes and went outside to see master of toxic and master of thorn walking downstairs. I looked down to see a crowd of elemental masters around the board which shows who fights in the next tournament. I went downstairs to see what was going on and was greeted by Turner, Pale and Shade.

"Uh.... Why is everyone crowding the board?" I asked and turned to Pale, waiting for an answer.

"There was a slight change in the tournament." Pale said. "Clouse decided to see what happens when the ninja fight their teammate" added Turner. I nod and ask,

"Whos position did he change, exactly?" they shrugged and Shade said, "Well... We dont really pay much attention to them, saving ninjago and their details on the news and such. But its the lightning guy and the earth guy. Heard their names were... John and Ken??"

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