Its Not What It Looks Like!! . Ch 7

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I wake up on the floor, feeling a bit of weight on my chest. I couldnt get up and saw the thing weighing me down was... Neuro. He was sleeping on my chest!?!? Oh, god, oh no. How do I get him off of me without waking him up!?!

I try to slide him off but he kept gripping onto me. I hear a soft shuffle behind me and see Pale, silently taking pictures of us. I whisper, " Not cool, man! Help me get Neuro off!!" as my face starts to heat up. I hear a creak from my suite door. Me and Pale look back to see Shade and the others with Clouse already ready for the tournament to begin again. I immediately felt a bit embarrassed once they saw us. Everyones faces were shocked and confused except for Clouse. He just had neutral face and asked us to meet everyone else for breakfast and walked away. I quickly shouted,

" I-Its not what it looks like!! R-really!!" smiling sheepishly. I hear a soft moan and looked back at Neuro. He was waking up. " Oh no" I muttered under my breath as he opened his eyes. He looked at me and screamed, pulling himself away from me " WH-WHAT!? WHAT HAPPENED LAST NIGHT??" he asked. "Its not what it looks like, Neuro!! I just woke up and saw you lying on my chest and I didnt wanna wake you up!" I explained, getting up from the floor, sitting down and he face palmed himself.

" Im so sorry..." he said in an embarrassed and apologetic tone. I reassured him that it was okay and when I looked back at the door, everyone but Shade had left.


We ate breakfast, still embarrassed at what happened in the morning. No one but Shade and Pale talked. Well.. Not much, anyways.

After we ate,we boarded a plane. Honestly, this has got to be the most interesting fight yet. I kept glancing over at Neuro. He seemed scared and nervous. Was he afraid of heights or something?? I got up and sat next to him and asked, " Hey, Neuro. You okay, dude? You seem scared. " he looked up at me and immediately looked away after. He sent me a message.

'uhmm.. Im afraid of heights.... I know its a stupid thing to be afraid of at our age but heights had been my worst nightmar ever since....'

I nod in understanding. I look down to see his hands, shaking. I blush at what I was going to do but if its something that might calm him down, im willing to do it. Embarrassing or not. I looked up to see everyone else was either talking, arguing or spacing out the window. Basically, everyone was distracted which gave me a chance to hold Neuro's hand without anyone noticing. I took a deep breath and slowly held both his hands gently with my right hand. My nervousness had mixed with mad blushing and heck, was I lucky that everyone was distracted. Neuro sent me another message... 'Uhmm.. Turner??'

I look up at him, still gripping gently on his hand. I then immediately retracted my hand away quickly before things could get more awkward between us.

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After Turner had held my hand, it actually managed to calm me down a bit. Ill admit, I really liked him holding my hand. Its as if I like him in a way... Lovers do---- wait, what? What am I saying!?! I shouldnt be thinking about this. At all!! I like Turner???

My face heats up and looked up to my left to see Turner wasnt there anymore. I look to where was seated in the first place and saw him arguing a bit with the blue ninja. Shade did the same with Kai though they both were st each others throats now, Shade felt something different than hatred towards Kai. How do I know? I read his mind! Easy!! He actually liked Kai in a romantic point of view. But there was also regret, shame, sadness and guilt in Shades expression. I just dont know why.

A couple minutes later, my fear of heights kept increasing and Ive had enough. I stood up and carefully walked over to the door at the end of the plane.

"I cant take this anymore! Im too scared of heights... Where is Chen!?" I muttered as I opened the door and my face filled with shock. There was no one piloting the plane. Everyone stood up and piled up behind me to see what I gasped at. There was only a screen. It turned on and Chen told us it was now the final round and instead of fighting for a Jade Blade, we were fighting for a girl who was roaming the island. The ninjas seem to know her. Mainly because she was Kai's sister.

Chen pressed a button that made the floor open and parachutes to come out of the upper sides of the plane. There was enough for everyone. Well, if you exclude the old guy then there was enough. Everyone grabbed a parachute and leaned against the floor.

Once we were out, everyone was separated by their parachutes because of the strong wind. Some were hard to get but others just came to their direction.

I look up to see 2 parachutes coming down towards me. I grab both and opened one. As I slowly glided down, I passed the other one towards Turner who was still falling below me. He had to fight for it against the blue ninja but he got it back anyways. We both glided down slowly next to eachother and he told me to follow him do I did.

We landed safely. We look around and see some supplies Chen offered us and took them. Turner got some rope and an IPod. I got a katana and tape. We started walking around the island to look for the girl, whos name is apperantly Nya or so ive heard Kai said.

" So... How do you think were gonna find her?" Turner asks, putting on some earphones. I shrug and  look at him and raised an eyebrow. " Are you actually going to listen to music?? Now?" he nodded and smiled to himself. I shake my head and turned to the front once again.


Word count : 1067

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