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“ So... I was thinking. Maybe we should go at Chen's noodle house on the date? ” Turner asked, his arm around Neuro. “ I was thinking the same thing. Shade, would you like to come with us? ” Neuro suggested but Shade protested, “ Nah. I dont wanna be a thrid wheel and I dont even have a date. ” Neuro raised an eyebrow and smirked. “ You have Kai. Oh, sorry. Hes not the one you like anymore, right? Who was it.... Pale, am I correct? ”

Shade jolted and blushed. He looked away, not wanting to talk about it.

“ Everyone! I have a confession to make..... ” everyone's eyes met with Pale, on the red carpet in the middle of everyone. “ I.... Can turn visible... So... ” Pale announced, trailing off at the end and turning visible, showing his dark brown hair and tan skin with bits of freckles.

Shade blushed at Pale's sudden true appearance. Turner leaned on Shade and smirked. “ So... Double date? ”

“ Fuck yes ”

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