Relationship Problems. Ch 12

326 11 20

Short Chapter!
*Mentions of sex
*Mentions of depression
(Skip the flashback if youre not comfortable with any of those above)

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I look around, trying not to meet my gaze with Turner. Its not that I dont want to like him in this way. I just have problems with relationships. Like.... Arther. Hes my ex-boyfriend and lets just say being in a relationship with him was a nightmare and not many would ever wish to see him again once youve broken up with him. Hes the kind that would cheat, beat and mistreat their lover. That was one of my regrets. Dating. Him.


I lay in my bed, wondering when Arther would come back. I need a hug right now.

I sigh and heard the front door open and close. I get out of bed to see my boyfriend.... Kissing... Someone.... What?? Who is she? Why is she here and why are they kissing? Did Arther forget Im here? Maybe he thinks Im asleep....

I feel my heart aching at the scene. Hes cheating on me.... And he thinks Im asleep.

I meet his gaze for a second and hide, running into the closet, crying. I hear footsteps enter the room and peek out to see him and the woman as he pushed her on the bed. I close my eyes, not wnating to know what happens next.


I wake up on the bed and jumped into a sitting position. Was that just a nightmare? I look on the floor to see my boyfriend and another different person's clothes on the floor next to the door. I guess it wasnt a dream after all. I sigh and walk out, seeing Arther say goodbye to the woman last night. " Arther? " I ask, getting his attention. He looks at me with a lifeless and annoyed face and 'tsked'. He rolled his eyes. " What? " he says coldly and I shiver. " W-who was that woman? " " Shes none of your business or concern. Now go get me aspirin pills. Im having a f****** headache. " my boyfriend hisses and walks into the living room.

I went to the bathroom and got him the pills. I walk into the living room and see my boyfriend talking on the phone, all lovey dovey. I feel jealousy creep up to me and sigh but walked towards him and handed him the pills. He looks at the pills, then me, raising an eyebrow.

" Oi. Wheres the water? " " But you told me to only-- " " Quit your yapping and shut it. Go get me water! " he commanded which made me step back a bit. I nod in fear and went to get him a glass of plain water.

I go back into the room and see him taking out his belt. I get a bit scared and took a deep breath. I walk towards him, shivering in every step I take. " Arther, babe. I got your water " I say softly. He snaps back to see me with a smile and walks over to me, taking the glass and putting it on the table. He holds my wrist tight and frowned. He pulls me behind him and I let out a small yelp as I fell on my back. He comes near me and I shiver as he knelt down and grabbed me by the collar of my shirt and whispered, " I hate you "

I feel tears at the corner of my eyes and he let go, standing up and gripped on his belt tightly. He whips me with it roughly on my waist, then my arm and then my hand. I sob in pain, wondering what happened to our relationship. What happened to our love? Did I do something wrong?

He walked away, grabbing the pills and glass. I stayed lying on the floor and covered my face, afraid.


Those words.... Those f****** words.... I hate them so much.... I hate him. I hate myself. 'I hate you'. Hes always hated me ever since... God, what did I do that changed him??

I tear up and run into Chen's building and into the bathroom, sobbing into my hands.

Okay that was sad even I cried ;-;
Why did I do this to him im such a terrible guardian. I hate myself for doing this to bb Neuro. Also... The person in the pic is what Arther looks liek.

Word count : 741

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