This Can't Be Real

251 16 5

Omniscient POV

The cell was so quiet that you could literally hear a pin drop, and so dark that Scar had to use her hand being placed against the wall to guide her to Iman's cell. She knew that Iman's cell was the second to last one so she internally counted to herself to find it.


Scar finally got to Iman's cell and reached into her pocket to get the key that her sister gave her to be able to open the cell.

She slowly opened the cell trying to be as quiet as possible to not wake anyone up. Scar was thankful that there was a little bit of light that shine in the cell for her to be able to see a little.

She quickly spotted Iman and slowly made her way into the cell. She looked over to Iman's roommate Marisol to see if she was asleep. When the coast was clear she came closer to Iman. Although Scar was nervous, she reasoned with her self that Iman was trying to stab her first, so this was payback.

She reached into her back pocket to pull out the switch blade. She slowly approached Iman closely, had shaking in the process, and bead of sweat covering her face. She wanted to get this done as soon as possible.

Scar raised the knife, aiming for her neck when all of the sudden she heard.

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING" and felt a strong force push her and hold her down to the ground.

Peanut could not sleep that night and sneaked out of her cell to get some fresh air. Due to her pregnancy, staying in the heat made her nauseous. As she walked pass her bestfriends cell she saw Scar with a knife aiming towards Iman.

Due to Peanut pushing Scar, both Marisol and Iman abruptly woke up from their sleep.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON IN HERE" Marisol screamed as she watched Scar and Peanut tussling on the floor.

Iman quickly jumped out the bed trying to help her friend.

"SCAR GET THE FUCK OFF HER, WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING IN MY CELL ANYWAY" Iman screamed grabbing scar by her hair to try to get her off of peanut

Scar felt like it was her perfect chance to stab Iman. She pulled reached for the blade that ended up falling on the ground when she got pushed  and without anyone noticing, she blindly stabbed "Iman".

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" A high-pitch screamed was released and everything seemed to go quit

"OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!! PEANUT!!!!!!!! NOOOOOO!!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOO" Scar heard Iman scream

When she opened her eyes she saw Iman, trying to put pressure on Peanuts wounds.

"C'MON, YOU GOT THIS. TRY TO BREATHE. JUST TRY TO BREATHE" Iman screams with tears fall down from her eyes.

"I'm going to get some help" Marisol says pushing all the now, awakened girls who were watching the scene unfolding.

Peanut continued trying to catch her breathe and as blood poured out of her mouth. 

"" Peanut forced her self to say, thinking about nothing else, not even the pain that she was going through, but her unborn child

"Stay alive for your baby. I love you okay, just stay awake for us, Marisol is going to get help" Iman said softly, cradling Peanuts head on her lap and still applying pressure on her stab wound.

Soon Aubrey ran in, shocked by the scene in front of her

"WHAT THE FUCK!!!!! WHO DID THIS!!!!!!" Aubrey screamed coming down next to Iman to see how bad peanuts wounds were, but Iman could not do anything but cry, knowing her bestfriend would not be able to make it.

In the meantime, Scar was able to escape the cell, regretting what she just did. She knew that her sister would not be able to get her out of this. There were so many witness that saw what happened, and a pregnant woman was dead; For the first time in her life, she realized that her sister used her, and it was too late for her to go back and fix what she has done.

Hey Guys!!!!! I'm so sorry for the long hiatus. Between working two jobs and applying to grad school everything has been a blur!!!!! But I'm back and ready to put this story in gear. I Just want to thank all you amazing readers who have not only been patient but inspire me to keep writing with your amazing comments. I want this story to be as great as it can possibly be so my long hiatuses are due to me thinking of what other crazy scenario I can add to this story. Love you guys!!!!!!!!!

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