Stupid Shit

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Adrians P.O.V

"So when are children coming into the picture?" my father asked as we all sat around the dinner table, along with the Deacon Henry and his wife, Michelle. But nooooo Mr. Meyer's.

I look at my father with an annoyed look. He always ask the same stupid question, and knows damn well what the answer is.

"We are not ready for that right now" I replied stuffing my face with Mac n' Cheese

"Besides...I wouldn't want my child to not see their daddy due to him not being around" Angela said trying to be slick by sipping her wine after

The table fell silent as I gave Angela a dirty look.

"Well guys are young, you have plenty of time for kids" My mom said trying to soothe the awkwardness 

"Definitely, but hey son, there is something I want to talk to you about. It looks like you are done with that plate, I'll meet you upstairs in a few. Excuse me folks." My father said wiping his mouth and getting up from his seat without waiting for my reply.

I rolled my eyes and took my time eating, while the others in the table were talking about events that I could give a fuck about. I can't believe I woke up early in the morning, went to church, and came to the dysfunctional ass house, with these dysfunctional ass people just for Mr. Meyers to not show up. I mean, I know that shit happens, but out of all the days her could have missed church, he misses it on the day I need to see him. I finally finished my plate and reluctantly go up from my seat to go see what my father wanted to talk about, even though I already knew what it was.

I walked up the long staircase leading to my father's office, well more like his dungeon because that what this place looks like.

I knocked on the door and waiting for my father to reply

"come in" he said from the other side of the door

I opened the door and saw my father sitting behind his table

"come have a seat son" my father said signaling for me to sit in the seat in front of him

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"come have a seat son" my father said signaling for me to sit in the seat in front of him

It took everything in me not to scoff at my fathers dramatic ass, but I still took a seat in front of him.

"Wats up?" my father stated

"you already know "what is up" son, when are you going to growing out of this teenage rebellion that you should have been overgrown and join the family business"

"look... pops"

"No you look; my son should not be working no government job, especially when he has a father who would literally build him a church like *snaps his fingers* that"

"Dad I'm not even religious, and I'm no where close to being a pastor"

"son this is business, I mean look at you, your young, your handsome, your well spoken; with your own church you would be a millionaire, shoot, you might even be bigger than me" 

"That's the problem. Church is not a business, and I'm not trying to be apart of no shit like that"

"WATCH YOUR MOUTH. So what are you saying, huh, all of a sudden you want to be on a fucking high horse. All of a sudden you have a moral conscience."

I decided to stay calm, arguing with this dude is just going to make me look like the bad guy like always.

"Like I said. Church is not a business, now if you want to be a bible-pimper then go ahead. But that's some shit that I'm not about."

My father stared at me for a while then broke out in a laugh

"Boy you have a mouth on you, I'll say that. But anyway, what's going on with you and Angela?" he said as his laughter died down

I shrugged my shoulders "what you mean?"

"look son, I know that Dennis and I  pressured you to marry Angela-"

"You ain't lying about that" I scoffed

"DON'T CUT ME OFF" He shouted, At least you guys know where I get my temper from

"Anyway, like I was saying. We pressured you, but I only did that after you told me that you didn't want to take over the church. I had to make sure that I found some kind of security and that security was partnering up with Dennis so that money could keep coming in. You marrying Angela saved the church and our family income"

" what does this have to do with anything." I said getting annoyed that he was bringing up shit that we already know

"It doesn't take a blind man to see that you don't love Angela, and I get it. You guys have no connection at all. But if you are not going to take over the church then at least legitimize your guy's marriage"

"Pops I'm giving Angela my seed"

"Son listen to me-"

"Naw I'm done listening to you, you made me marry the girl and fine, whatever in-house pussy , I'll deal with that. But I'm not trying to bring a child into his world, knowing that I don't love their mother. I can't look my child in the eye and say I love them, but know that they weren't created out of love."

My father looked at me, and a smirk came across his face 

"Who is she?"

I felt like a dog caught in a headlight

"What?" I say trying to brush off what he just asked me

"You were a little too passionate this time, and your body language gave it all away" 

"There's no one"

He stared a little and shrugged a little

"I'm not even going to force it out of you, but here" he said handing me a card

I looked at it, and saw that it was Mr. Meyer's number. I looked at my father in shock.

"I saw your car pull out the other day and your mother told me that you came here fishing for Meyer's number. So I told him to pass on coming into church today and skip dinner. Now I'm not going to ask what you need his number for. Just wanted to teach you a lesson. That even when you try to go around me. You will always have to cross my path." 

My father pulled out his cigar and lit it up while I sat there in shock. But at least I got his number. Even though I had to go through all this stupid shit for it.

Sorry For The Delay Loves. Like has been trying to knock a sista out, but I'm here to stay.

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