He's Alright

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Fatima's POV

I am in the showers right now scrubbing my body till my skin hurts. After being in SHU for three weeks without a decent shower I felt like ants were crawling all over my body. I just got transported back to general population and lets just say, I'm definitely going to make sure that I never set food in that place ever again. Prison is Prison, but SHU was a different type of hell. After determining that my body was clean enough, I cut the showers off, wrapped my towel around me, and stepped out of the shower. It was 7am and Saturday so luckily there was only I and two other inmates in the bathroom. Inmates were allowed to sleep in till 10 on weekends unless you worked in the Cafeteria or did church services, or like myself just got transported from SHU and wanted to take a nice shower...even if it was icy cold.

"Uh Oh, looks like they set my home girl Iman free from SHU" I heard from behind me while I was brushing my teeth. I look up at the mirror and saw my girl Peanut smiling at me. I spit my toothpaste out, rinsed my mouse, and gave peanut a quick hug.

"Whats up girl, what your ass doing up this early, you stay knocked out"

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"Whats up girl, what your ass doing up this early, you stay knocked out"

"I couldn't sleep, little man kept me up" peanut said, rubbing her pregnant stomach

Peanut was 8 months pregnant. She came to Eastwood when she was only 2 months. I'm going to be honest, if I ever got pregnant while in prison, I would probably abort it, why the hell would I want to bring a child into this world when I wouldn't even be in their lives, but peanut felt like this baby was her good luck charm, it's going to be the main reason to stay in the right path if she ever gets out. I guess I can't get mad at that.

I rubbed her stomach and smiled "He a fighter like his mama"

"Yeah I guess this is my karma for all the ass I've kicked all these years" peanut said with a mug on her face

I busted out laughing "Peanut you crazy"

"Naw girl, you was crazy when you tried to fuckin kill scar in the lunchroom" Peanut said laughing as well

I shrug my shoulders "That bitch should have never touch my shit"

"Yeah she was tripping for that, she know how much that little journal mean to you, she was tryin to fuck with you"

"Yeah, well thats why I tried to shank her ass, but it's whateva know"

"Why you had another book" 

"Naw I got my journal back" I say start to walk out the bathroom with peanut right behind me

"How, ya ass just got out of SHU" peanut say with a confused expression look on her face

"Yeah but that new guard Stephans found it it scars cell and gave it back to me yesterday"

Peanut stops with a goofy smile on her face "oooh Sexy Stephans gave you back your back yesterday"

I start laughing, making a turn walking into the cell area

I start whispering since most of the inmates are asleep "Sexy Stephans?!!! please tell me ya didn't give him that nickname for real"

"Girl, that man is finer than baby hair, his pretty ass should have known better than to get a job at a prison full of bitches, but don't try to change the subject, Sexy Stephans went all the way down to SHU just to give you that book back" Peanut whispers back

I shrug "Yeah, he's cool people" I say finally going into my cell with peanut still behind me. My cellmate, Marisol was on the top bunk sleeping so I made sure to tip toe in and quietly look for my uniform.

"Or she's trying to dip his fingers into some sweet chocolate" she says with a knowing look on her face

"You really need to stop, and can you quiet down, you see Marisol sleepin"

"Man fuck that bitch, anyway, about sexy stephans, was this his first time going to SHU for you" she says taking a seat at the chair that was at the corner of my cell rubbing her belly

"Naw he came a few times just to see if I was good"


"Peanut shut the fuck up" I say a little annoyed

"I didn't even say anything...so do you like him?" peanut says with a grin on her face

"No" I say putting my pants on and looking for my shirt

"You lying ass bitch" peanut says laughing loudly making Marisol grunt a little

"Girl I'm about to kick you out my cell" I say buttoning up my uniform

"Girl keep it a buck with you, as fine as that man is, you telling me you don't like him...a little"

I sit on my bed and look at peanut and sigh "I mean he's cool"

"But..." peanut says making a hand gesture for me to go on

"But he's married and bitch look around, you see where we at?"

"so what, people fall in love in even crazier places"

"I never said anything about falling in love"

" ya would make a cute couple...oooooh ya would make some beautiful brown babies"

"alright peanut it's time for you to take a nap" I say getting up and pull her arm for her to get up as well

"okay, okay, I'm gone...just don't think too much about Stephans while I'm gone" she says laughing while walking out my cell

I shake my head and start laughing. Peanut is a fuckin trip, yeah I'm not going to lie, Stephans is a handsome man, very handsome, but what the fuck I look like thinking about a married man on top of that, a guard like that. But...He's alright...I guess.

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