Too Good To Be True

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Fatima's POV

It's been a month since peanuts death and although it is still a hard pill to swallow, I've been able to go through the day without breaking down. Thankfully, I have had Adrian to be a shoulder to cry on. He has really been showing me what it meant to be an actual support system, something that I have never had in my life, and if I wasn't in love with him before; I damn sure am now.

Today I was going to have a visit from the lawyer that Adrian has been telling me about, although I am still hesitant about the meeting, It wouldn't hurt to at least see if my case can be re-opened, especially with the #MeToo movement making waves and opening peoples eyes to sexual abuse, besides It would be great to get out of this place, especially while I'm still young and still have a chance to get the most out of life.

While waiting for this lawyer Aubrey and I ( played by Amiyah Scott if you guys forgot) were chilling in my cell since we were both done with "work" and did not feel like being out in the courtyard.

"So then she had the nerve to ask me if I still had my dick and if she can see it" Amiyah said, telling me about this crazy bitch named Tyra who was enticed about Aubrey being Trans.

"GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE?!!!!!" I said in shock

"When I tell you, I was about to rip every single hair follicle in that bitch's hair, lawd I'm telling you this anger management been helping your girl out"

"I always felt like that bitch was weird, you need to watch out with that one"

"Girl you already-"

Before Aubrey was able to finish her sentence I felt myself getting nauseous and ended up throwing up in the toilet at the end of my cell.

"Oh shit baby, you okay?" Aubrey said while holding my hair out of my face while I continued to still throw all of my guts out.

After a few minutes, I was done and ended up laying down while Aubrey placed a cool rag on my face to cool me down we were silent while Aubrey had an unreadable look on her face

"You good?" Aubrey asked breaking the silence

"Yeah, this shit been happening for about a week, I honestly think it was that nasty ass Mac and Cheese they served the week before."

"Fatima....have you and Stephens ever had sex before?" Aubrey mildly whispered

When she asked me that, I damned near jumped out of my skin, the last thing I needed was for anyone to know about our relationship. Don't get me wrong I trusted Aubrey, but bitches around here are noisy and it's bad enough people think I'm his favorite, eavesdropping and hearing shit.

"Why the fuck would you ask me that?"

"I'm just saying, you're telling that you have been throwing up all week, it's just... I don't know it's weird"

"I just having been feeling well that's all, stop being so dramatic"

"Remember when peanut found out she was pregnant?"

I ended up getting chills up and down my skin, I remember exactly when Peanut got pregnant. 


Peanut and I were in the bathroom where I held her hair up while she was vomiting. This has been a routine for 3 weeks now. 

"I'm getting tired of this shit" Peanut expressed while she got up ad walked over to the sink

"Did you go down to the nurse like you said you would?" I asked following her

"I'm not dumb Fatima, I already know it's a baby in here," she said placing her hand on her stomach

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