Chapter Ten

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The Kings were a club where rich men were allowed to squander and gamble their money,this club wasn't for the feign hearted or the poor beggars in the street,they were for those who had substance and knew how to use it,which was the reason why Aaron was a member,in the Kings there wasn't any leader,because they would probably fight for superiority.
But there was one club that was feared and respected better than the Kings and that club was known as the King makers,they were Lords and Majesties,snobbish rich men,who had nothing to do but basically gamble with their inexhaustible money,but they was something about the club that made them so respected, they were peace makers and they never fought,although the members owned manors and estate they didn't brag much, this club had a leader who was none other that Theodore King,his father was also the leader before he died but Theodore had shown not only that he had inexhaustible money but that he could be a true leader,he was feared and respected and his members were like family.
Every year this two clubs along with other subsidiary clubs would hold a meeting where they would see to it that there is no vain man among them,And this very meeting was to be held at the leader's house every year.

Which was why Cleopatra was currently sited in the honourable Lord Theodore's massive house and drinking tea with other wives.

"My I say Cleopatra that is an amazing necklace,may I know where you bought it". A young wife of one the Kings said in a chatty voice.

"My husband gave it to me". Cleopatra whispered.

"Isn't he a charmer,buying you so many jewelry". Another wife said as she eyed Cleopatra's adorned neck.

"You are so lucky Cleopatra, my husband doesn't even spend money on me,he prefers to spend it on his mistresses". Another wife whom Cleopatra knew as Hailey said in a sad tone.

"You don't talk much do you". Amelia the chatter box said to Cleopatra.

"Yes,yes is this because you are Aaron's wife and you think you're better than us". Another wife said with an angry tone.

"Its not like that,am not really chatty". Cleopatra replied honestly but Amelia wouldn't buy it.

"Is that so". Amelia asked with sarcasm lacing her voice.

"So you think we're gossips". A woman named Leila asked angrily.

"Who do you think you are to call us gossips". A woman interjected and now Cleopatra felt like fainting.

"Ladies,ladies don't fight,at least we aren't the ones who can't give birth". Amelia said as she looked at Cleopatra, Cleopatra's eyes widened at the statement, they just called her barren in a weird way.

"Please excuse me". Cleopatra said as she stood and walked away,she felt like crying at their hurtful words,and she needed to do it somewhere else,maybe in the restroom.

"Please do you know where I can find the lady's". Cleopatra asked a maid as the maid gave have her a confusing direction but she nodded anyway.

She walked through the big hallway and touched her eyes,the tears had started spilling without her permission,she ran faster so she could clean her face but then she bumped into something strong,she fell to the ground,spraining her ankle.

"Ouch".she wailed as she closed her eyes and touched her ankle.

"Are you okay".a deep baritone voice that Cleopatra recognised quite well said.
She opened her eyes and lo and behold it was Theodore in all his glory.
He was caressing her ankle while she watched him,he looked so beautiful, so pure and she felt a sense of pride that he was giving her his attention, he looked up at her and found her staring.

"Does it hurt a lot". Theodore asked in his baritone voice that could make any heart flutter.

"N...Not really". She stuttered,she didn't know why she felt this way but she blamed it on the way he was touching her ankle.

"Did you want something from me". Theodore asked.

"Why do you say so". Cleopatra asked.

"Because this is where my room is located". Theodore explained and Cleopatra blushed, she didn't know she was walking towards his room.

"I wanted to use the Lady's". Cleopatra said softly as she groaned in pain,her ankle was acting up.

"Let me help you up". Theodore said as he held her hands and wrapped his arms around her waist,he lifted her up gently till she stood on her wobbly feet.

"Thank you". She said shyly and he nodded and walked away,she could still remember how his arms were wrapped around her waist and that made her feel giddy,she didn't know if she was put under a spell but she was grateful it happened.

With a lot of effort she walked back to the table,forgetting that she ever wanted to go to the restroom.
She met the horror wife's but didn't spare them a glance as she walked over to another table.

"Hello".A young woman said she as she touched Cleopatra.

"Hello". Cleopatra said quickly,she didn't want another woman to insult her.

"Can I sit with you". The young woman asked as Cleopatra nodded reluctantly.

"I am Lady Daniella". The young woman said with a sweet voice,she didn't sound haughty or troublesome in fact she sounded innocent.

"Please to meet you Lady Daniella, my name is Cleopatra". Cleopatra said politely to Daniella as they smiled at each other.

"So what brings you here". Daniella asked.

"Am here with my husband Sir Aaron Walter". Cleopatra said with a hint of disgust in her voice.

"Well am here with Sir Richards he is a member of the Dukes". Daniella said to Cleopatra.

They continued to chat and that was when Cleopatra knew that for once in her life she found a friend.

And she wondered how long this friendship would last.


Someone has a friend.

Ahhh,reminds me of when I had some friends,we used to play together and behave weird together,now I have something even more special,I have you .*sniff,sniff* .

Anyway I have a very juicy topic, okay that's a lie its actually a boring topic.

Pet peeves.
Yes that is the topic.

So what are some of your pet peeves,well I have none but am still thinking about it, tell me yours,I would love to know.

Toodles :)

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