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warning: contains some violence

It's only a few minutes until the 23rd hour and the alpha werewolf feels like his body is slowly decomposing. He has just over an hour left to complete his transition but he hasn't made any progress. Not because he can't, but because he has chosen not to.

The rest of the pack are unaware of his plan, just like how they're ignorant of the hybrid transition process. He has chosen to keep some vital information from them but he will need to familiarise them with his plan before his body decomposes completely. But first, he needs to speak with his son.

"Seokjin-ah," alpha Kim calls out to his one and only child.

Seokjin's attention shifts to his father from the flower crown he's making and he responds with, "Yes, appa?"

"We need to talk," alpha Kim says.

Seokjin nods and gently places the flower crown on his younger cousin, Jimin's, head with a cute grin before he gets up and skips towards his dad.

"What do you want to talk about, appa?" Seokjin asks, his curious doe eyes on his dad's face. "Are you getting any better?"

Alpha Kim pats the spot beside him on the log and Seokjin sits down. Seokjin rests his head on his dad's shoulder and the dad smiles as he puts a loving arm around his son's shoulders. They sit there in a peaceful silence for a while but after inhaling an unpleasant rotting smell for too long, Seokjin speaks.

"Appa, your scent is fading. You smell... sick. Very sick," Seokjin says, the worry evident in his tone and eyes.

Alpha Kim hesitates a little before he lets out a heavy sigh and says, "That's what I wanted to talk about, Seokjin-ah... I wish there was an easier way to tell you this, but-"

"ABEOJI!" Jimin screams.

Both Alpha Kim and Seokjin immediately rise to their feet by hearing Jimin's painful scream. A feeling of fear takes over them by seeing the hybrids from last night and Alpha Kim's hands curl into fists when he sees each of his family members locked in a menacing hold by a hybrid. He hides his son behind him and glances around until his eyes land on the alpha hybrid who's slowly approaching him.

Jungkook tsk's and says, "You smell and look like death, purebred."

"Let them go," Alpha Kim barks, his brown irises turning a dark shade of red from intense anger. "They have nothing to do with this."

Ignoring the werewolf's demands, Jungkook says, "You have an hour left. Are you really going to let yourself rot? This is not the most honourable way to die."

"I said, LET THEM GO!" Alpha Kim yells, his nails digging into his palms.

Seokjin's accidentally whimpers out of emotional pain when he sees blood dripping from his dad's hands. This sound causes Jungkook's gaze to shift to the blob of black hair poking out behind the alpha werewolf's shoulder, the face hidden by the alpha's body. Jungkook inhales deeply and he instantly recognises the scent.

"Strawberry and cherry blossom. Such a sweet scent," Jungkook mutters, getting closer, before he growls out a, "Too bad the only source of that smell would be the tree and plants after you feast on this-"

Jungkook stops mid-sentence and his feet glue to the ground when he gets a glimpse of the beta in human form peeking from
behind the alpha wolf. He observes every little detail of the werewolf's face and he unconsciously moistens his lips as his eyes glow a bright red. His gaze locks with the beta's frightened eyes but his view is blocked by the alpha.

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